Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Scream Awards 2009

Please do remember that it's still open to vote for Twilight and the cast in the Scream Awards. You can vote as often as you want.

Robert Pattinson is nominated for; best fantasy actor and breakout performance-male in Twilight

Twilight is nominated for; The Ultimate Scream, Best Fantasy Movie, Best Ensemble

Kristen Stewart is nominated for; Best Fantasy Actress in Twilight

Ashley Greene is nominated for; Best Supporting Actress in Twilight

Taylor Lautner is nominated for; breakout performance-male in Twilight

Cam Gigandet is nominated for; best villain as James in Twilight

Paramore are nominated for scream song of the year with "Decode" in Twilight

Taylor Lautner in Teen Vogue

Finally got the october issue of Teen Vogue. It came to Sweden yesterday. We've been all over the internet reading, but it is sure better to have the magazine. It's still out in the stores, you can also follow Teen Vogue on their web site: Highly recommended!

Source: All text and photos are in courtesy of Teen Vogue

Sv: �ntligen har jag Teen Vogues oktober nummer, det kom till Sverige ig�r. Vi har l�st �ver hela internet ,men det �r helt klart b�ttre att ha magasinet. Den finns fortfarande ute i handeln, du kan �ven f�lja Teen Vogue p� deras web sida: Rekommenderas!

Vill ni ha �vers�ttningen av artikeln till svenska hojta till s� fixar jag omg�ende.

Robert Pattinson in GQ Style, is he the new Brando?

Here you have the feature on Robert Pattinson from GQ Style. The magazine is out now in stores, and you can also go to their web page  =)

All text and all the photos are in courtesy of GQ magazine.

Source: GQ Style

Sv: H�r �r inslaget med Robert Pattinson fr�n magasinet GQ Style. Magasinet finns nu ute i handeln, och du kan �ven bes�ka deras web sida =)

All text och alla foton tillh�r GQ Magazine.

K�lla: GQ Style

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The new New Moon Posters

New Moon

51 days to go....times is moving faster...  Enjoy the trailer while courtesy of Summit Entertainment ofcourse.

sv: 51 dagar kvar...tiden g�r fortare... Njut av trailern medan ni v�ntar...Tillm�tesg�ende av Summit Entertainmment f�rst�s.

Official New Moon Trailer #3 HD

Monday, September 28, 2009

Rob bald?

My boyfriend wonders if you would still love Robert Pattinson without the hair!?

Untagged photo on Rob from AnOther Man Magazine

For more info on this photoshoot and the magazine go to

Robert Pattinson to be on the cover of AnOther Man Magazine

Another magazine announced today that Robert Pattinson will be on the cover of AnOther Man magazine , Issue 9. The magazine is out October 1st in Uk, October 19th in US and Oct 15th in Sweden.

The following text comes from
"DazedDigital previews issue 9 of AnOther Man out on October 1, which features Robert Pattinson on the cover, shot by Hedi Slimane and styled by Nicola Formichetti. Dave Calhoun speak to the 23-year-old Twilight star about the pressures of fame and the craft of acting: �It�s the hardest thing I�ve ever done in my life.�

In the rest of the issue, Dennis Hopper speaks to Tim Blanks about his new collection of photography and his point of view of the counterculture of the 1960s. Alex Marashian meets David de Rothschild, the environmental activist, on his inspirational new project at the Pacific Trash Vortex. Sam Taylor Wood speaks about her new feature length John Lennon biopic, Nowhere Boy. World renowned dancer & choreographer Michael Clark explains his New Work project, featuring music from David Bowie, Lou Reed and Iggy Pop. There are also boundary-breaking fashion stories by the world�s top stylist and photographers including Alister Mackie, Norbert Schoener, Gareth McConnell, Bryan McMahon and Serge Leblon.

�AnOther Man speaks to the �other� man, a man not being catered to currently by fashion magazines. AnOther Man mixes credible modern icons with art, music, high impact fashion photography and strong opinionated writing by key cultural voices. A magazine for men who like their lifestyle rocked with passion and intelligence, luxury and a sense of adventure.�

Editor In Chief, Jefferson Hack

Here is an excerpt from the Robert Pattinson feature written by Dave Calhoun.

Was Pattinson aware of the loyalty of fans of the Twilight books? It looks like the sort of obsessive fandom that can turn into anger and even hatred when an adaptation isn�t to their liking. Did he know what he was letting himself in for? �It�s strange because even though the figures show that the books were successful and sold millions of copies, you couldn�t even buy them in London. I tried a couple of bookshops and they weren�t available. Hardly anyone I knew had read them apart from one girl, a friend of my sister. I had no idea at all. I�d seen Kristen Stewart in Into the Wild and some of the director Catherine Hardwicke�s other films, and that�s all I thought it was, something really small.�

His manner is very laid back. He doesn�t sound thrusting or ambitious, more like he�s just going with the flow and enjoying things. Is he going to harness his newfound fame and box-office appeal to approach the kind of filmmakers he wants to work with in the future? He�s not so sure. �Annoyingly, there are so few parts I feel I can add anything to, or that I want to do.� But he knows what he doesn�t need. �I don�t want to be an actor for the sake of it. I don�t find any particular pleasure in being an attention-seeker.�
Issue 9 of AnOther Man will be on sale in the UK on October 1st"

Source for photos and text: Dazed & Confused

For untagged photos go to

You also have an untagged version on the cover made by my fianc�e in the following blog...

Sv: Another magazine gick idag ut med uppgifter om att Robert Pattinson kommer pryda omslaget av AnOther Man Magazine, nr 9. Magasinet sl�pps 1 oktober i England, 19 oktober i USA och 15 okt i sverige.

F�ljande text kommer fr�n
"Dazed Digital f�rhandsvisar nr 9 av AnOther Man ,ute 1:a Oktober, i vilken Robert Pattinson finns p� omslaget, fotad av Hedi Slimane och stylad av Nicola Formichetti. Dave Calhoun pratade med den 23-�riga Twilight stj�rnan om pressen fr�n k�ndiskskapet och sk�despelandets hantverk: "Det �r det sv�raste jag n�gonsin gjort i hela mitt liv."

I resten av numret pratar Dennis Hopper med Tim Blanks om hans nya fotografi samling och hans �sikt om 60-talets alternativa kultur. Alex Marashian m�ter milj�aktivisten David Rothschild, och pratar om hans inspirationsrika nya projekt, "Pacifik Trash Vortex". Sam Taylor Wood pratar om sin nya l�ngfilmsl�ngd John Lennon biopic, "Nowhere Boy". V�rldsber�mda dansaren och koreografen Michael Clark f�rklarar sitt nya New York projekt med musik fr�n David bowie, Lou Reed och Iggy Pop. Det �r ocks� gr�nsbrytande mode ber�ttelser fr�n  v�rldens ledande topp stylister och fotografer som Alister Mackie, Norbert Schoender, Gareth McConnell, Bryan McMahon och Serge Leblon.

"AnOther Man talar till den "andra" mannen, en "�vriga" m�nniska, en man som inte tillvaratas f�r n�rvarande av modetidningar. Another Man blandar trov�rdig moderna ikoner med konst, musik, stora genomslagskraftiga modebilder och starka p�stridiga skrifter av viktiga kulturella r�ster. En tidning f�r m�n som gillar sin livsstil gungade med passion och intelligens, lyx och en k�nsla av �ventyr. "

Chefredakt�r, Jefferson Hack

H�r �r ett utdrag fr�n Robert Pattinson artikeln skriven av Dave Calhoun.

Var Pattinson medveten om de lojala fansen av Twilight b�cker? Det ser ut som den sorts tv�ngsm�ssiga fandom som kan f�rvandlas till ilska och hat, om en anpassning �r inte till bel�tenhet. Visste han vad han gav sig in p�? "Det �r m�rkligt, eftersom att �ven om  siffrorna visade att b�ckerna var framg�ngsrika och s�lts i miljontals exemplar, kunde du inte ens k�pa dem i London. Jag f�rs�kte i ett par bokhandlar och de var inte tillg�ngliga. Knappast n�gon jag k�nde hade l�st bortsett fr�n en tjej, en v�n till min syster. Jag hade ingen aning alls. Jag hade sett Kristen Stewart i "Into the Wild" och n�gra av regiss�ren Catherine Hardwicke's andra filmer, och det var allt jag trodde att det var, n�got riktigt litet. "

Hans s�tt �r mycket avsp�nt. Han l�ter inte sticka (thrusting?) eller ambiti�s, mer som om han bara f�ljer med str�mmen och njuter av saker. Kommer han att utnyttja sin nyvunna ber�mmelse och biljettint�kts inbringande lockelse f�r att n�rma sig den typ av filmskapare han vill arbeta med i framtiden? Han �r inte s� s�ker. "Irriterande, finns det  f� delar jag k�nner att jag kan tillf�ra n�got till, eller att jag vill g�ra." Men han vet vad han inte beh�ver. "Jag vill inte vara en sk�despelare f�r sakens skull. Jag finner inte n�got s�rskilt n�je i att vara en uppm�rksamhets-s�kare. "

Nr 9 av Another Man kommer att s�ljas i Storbritannien den 1 oktober "

K�lla till foton och text kommer fr�n Dazed & Confused

F�r foton utan text g� till

Du har �ven en otaggat version p� omslaget, gjort av min f�stman, i f�ljande blogg inl�gg...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Twilight Saga Eclipse out in the night

"Malicious Mandy" ran in to the wonderful cast of Eclipse while out yesterday night. Please go to her blog to read the full story!


"Malicious Mandy" st�tte p� sk�dis g�nget fr�n filmen Eclipse n�r hon var ute ig�r kv�ll. G� till hennes blogg f�r att l�sa hela historien!



I'm really so excited to go to the Muse concert in one month.
I'm still surprised a got a hold of  return tickets since the concert i sold out! But now I and three of my lovely friends are loading up for our big night!
Are you going to see Muse too or do you just like their music? Tune in to their official youtube channel:

Jag �r verkligen j�tte peppad inf�r Muse konserten om en m�nad.
Jag �r fortfarande f�rv�nad �ver att jag fick tag p� retur biljetter eftersom konserten �r uts�ld! Men nu laddar jag och tre av min underbara v�nner upp inf�r v�r stora kv�ll!
Ska du ocks� se Muse eller gillar du helt enkelt deras musik? G� in p� deras officiella youtube kanal:

Changed my mind/har �ndrat mig

Have decided to write in both english and swedish so it will be easier for you guys. So all my future blogs will first be in english and then in swedish below. Please don't hesitate to help me if my english grammer or spelling is wrong, it will only help me grow in my language skill =)

sv: har best�mt mig f�rt att skriva b�de p� svenska och engelska s� det blir enklare f�r er. Alla mina framtida blogg inl�gg kommer f�rst vara p� engelska med den svenska �vers�ttningen under. Tveka inte att hj�lpa mig om min engelska grammatik eller stavning �r fel, det kommer att hj�lpa mig utveckla min spr�kkunskap =)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

pictures and video clips

Oh it's so hard now in the beginning to know how to put out pictures and youtube clips on my new's gonna take me a while to figure it all out...hope you understand =)

sv:Oh det �r s� sv�rt nu i b�rjan att veta hur man l�gger ut bilder och videoklipp youtube p� min nya blogg ... det kommer ta ett tag att lista ut det ... hoppas du f�rst�r =)

New!!Eclipse set pics.. Robert & Kristen in the Volvo..

Nice to see they're working hard =P

Day one

The first blog coming from me...this will be an interesting journey for me and hopefully for you too. Most of my blogging will be in english unless it's of greater concern for the swedes because then I will write in swedish =P

Sv: Den f�rsta bloggen som kommer fr�n mig ... detta kommer bli en intressant resa f�r mig och f�rhoppningsvis f�r er ocks�. De flesta av mina bloggar kommer att vara p� engelska om det inte �r av st�rre betydelse f�r svenskarna, f�r d� kommer jag att skriva p� svenska = P