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Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) tries to protect Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) from a tree with vindictive Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) hanging precariously on top of it. (Click on the image to enlarge it.) The tree will not be standing for long. (Watch the final Eclipse trailer.)
This screen grab from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is one of the many screen grabs that have been circulating the Internet. As mentioned before in previous posts, Summit is clearly making sure that US moviegoers know that Eclipse has lots of action.
Here�s hoping it�ll have as much emotional depth as suspense and thrills. Else, Summit will end up alienating fans of the novels. Those fans, after all, form the core of Twilight�s moviegoing public. The studio has to strike a fine balance between attempting to reach the widest possible audience while maintaining Eclipse faithful to the book�s spirit.
Now, much like the meadow setting featuring Bella and Edward making love, this snow scene looks incredibly beautiful. Javier Aguirresarobe is truly a master of his craft. (I�m assuming that Aguirresarobe, not some second-unit cinematographer, shot both scenes.)
Directed by David Slade from a screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse opens in the United States on June 30. The premiere will be held in Los Angeles on June 24 at Grauman�s Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Blvd. Pattinson, Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and others involved in the making of Eclipse are expected to attend.
Photo: Summit Entertainment
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) f�rs�ker skydda Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) fr�n ett tr�d med h�mndlysten Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) h�nger bet�nkligt p� toppen. Tr�det kommer inte att st� kvar s� l�nge.
Denna bild som �r tagen fr�n The Twilight Saga: Eclipse �r en av de m�nga bilderna som togs och som har cirkulerar p� Internet. Som tidigare n�mnts i tidigare inl�gg, �r toppm�tet klart att se till att de amerikanska biobes�karna vet att Eclipse har massor av action.
H�r hoppas det ska ha s� mycket k�nslom�ssiga djup som sp�nning och sp�nning. Annars, kommer toppm�tet hamna alienera fans av romaner. Dessa fl�ktar, trots allt �r k�rnan i Twilight's moviegoing allm�nheten. Studion har att finna en balans mellan att f�rs�ka n� st�rsta m�jliga publik, samtidigt som Eclipse trogen bokens anda.
Nu, ungef�r som �ngen inst�llningen featuring Bella och Edward samlag, det h�r ser sn�n scen otroligt vackert. Javier Aguirresarobe �r verkligen en m�stare p� sitt hantverk. (Jag antar att Aguirresarobe, inte en andra enhet filmfotograf, sk�t b�da scenerna.)
Regisserad av David Slade fr�n ett manus av Melissa Rosenberg, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse �ppnar i USA den 30 juni. Premi�ren kommer att h�llas i Los Angeles den 24 juni kl Grauman's Kinesiska Theatre p� Hollywood Blvd. Pattinson, Stewart, Taylor Lautner, och andra som deltagit i skapandet av Eclipse f�rv�ntas delta.
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