Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Welcome to The Rileys Review

First thought I had entering this screening: Kristen Stewart was promised for a Q&A, and looking around, I would profile a good half of this crowd as Twi-hards who couldn�t care less about a James Gandolfini movie. Second thought: When it�s announced upfront that there will be no talent appearances, I�m amazed more people don�t walk out and demand refunds.

Third thought, as movie begins: Dear God, Gandolfini�s attempting a Southern accent? This isn�t good. And his character lives in Indiana, so why? As it will turn out, the accent comes and goes throughout the movie, and isn�t too distracting an issue.

Fourth thought: why does the festival program call this Jake (son of Ridley) Scott�s first feature, since he�s made two prior, and I�m pretty sure PLUNKETT & MACLEANE, which came out a decade ago, was made first.

Fifth thought: this numbering gimmick of mine is getting tiresome, but I�m locked into it now, and must fully commit, as they taught me in improv classes. Drat. Maybe should make rest of review one big run-on sentence to keep it at what could technically be considered a sole thought. Okay, so�

Sixth thought: K
risten Stewart is a much better actress in this than she was in NEW MOON, and I�m not saying that because she plays a scantily clad stripper in high heels, though foot fetishists (which I ain�t, but Quentin Tarantino and �LexG� are) will dig that, and maybe she�s better at this character because she�s a grown up child star, and that�s a path fraught with the same kind of potential degradation suffered here, and oh yeah, the plot�s about Gandolfini as a guy who�s teenage daughter is dead, so when he encounters Stewart at a convention in New Orleans, he decides to stick around and be a surrogate father; meanwhile, wife Melissa Leo back in Indiana is an agoraphobe, and Leo�s physical bits in this are freakin� excellent; a scene where she tries to figure out the automated controls in her own car ran very true to me, as I�ve only ever driven old-school stick-shift non-electric-everything vehicle since that�s what my dad buys�also, this movie was pretty good, and the fact that Leo�s character was named Lois made me think Gandolfini could star in a live-action FAMILY GUY movie, probably with Leo again.
Source via Robsten Dreams

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