Friday, July 30, 2010

Robert Pattinson Mocks Steamy 'Breaking Dawn' Sex Scenes


Now that Robert Pattison is finished filming Water for Elephants, the hunky celeb is preparing himself for the supposedly super-hot sex scenes for Breaking Dawn. Only problem is, Rob doesn't seem to find the scenes all that sexy.

The star joked to People magazine about his character's bedroom moves:

I'm looking forward to the pillow-biting scene. [Laughs] I thought that was so funny. Of all the random things too do, really? He bites the pillow.
Hey, dude, don't judge. After all, Edward is a 109-year-old vampire. Maybe he's a little rusty in his old age.

However, the 24-year-old actor might be brushing off the importance of the Breaking Dawn love scenes because they involve his rumored girlfriend and co-star, Kristen Stewart.

KStew, for her part, has also been joking about the upcoming sex scenes. While promoting Eclipse, the 20-year-old actress feigned excitement about Bella and Edward consummating their marriage:

We totally have sex � finally!
Do you think that the Breaking Dawn


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