Friday, October 1, 2010

Maggie Grace Talks About Changes To Pay Irina In Breaking Dawn

PhotobucketWe were pumped when we heard that the versatile Maggie Grace had been cast in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. (You might remember Grace from Lost, or Taken, or The Jane Austen Book Club.) The actress will play Irina Denali, a vampire with an axe to grind with Edward and Bella. We recently had a chat with Grace about her cooking experiments and trip-packing skills. Pick up the October issue for that--and in the meantime, check out what she had to say about hair makeovers, something that could come into play for Breaking Dawn, since Irina is said to have silvery-blond bob.
What is it like to dramatically change your hair for a role and look at a stranger in the mirror for weeks? It takes a long time to get used to. And then of course you have the inevitable votes�the boyfriend, the mother, the friends�everyone has strong feelings. But I love the change.
Have you ever had a really great movie makeover and thought, "I should keep this haircut or color?" I had this auburn wavy Saxon princess hair in a play once and I've never forgotten it.
Do you try to talk directors in to styling your chracters like that? Oh always! Invariably, that's part of my take on a character, "You know what? I really feel like she would have red hair." It reminds me of Anne of Green Gables.
Christina Hendricks started dying her hair red when she was ten years old because she was obsessed with Anne of Green Gables. Oh my goodness! [Laughs] I was that obsessed too. If my mom would have gone for me dying my hair at 10, I would have joined Christina Hendricks in being a redhead.


via V�a Foforks and LunaNuevaMeyer

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