Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Remarkable "Water For Elephants" Is Now A Motion Picture


We can read in an author's note that Sara Gruen has studied elephant behavior. She has more than studied it she has affectingly captured it in Rosie, a large gray elephant and the one hope of the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth, a down at the heels circus trying to make a go of it during the Depression.

Now, Rosie wasn't too much of a hope because she was lovable but could not follow any command . Rosie's only unique characteristic was a seemingly unquenchable thirst for lemonade. Her inability to perform was no excuse for the intolerable cruelty visited upon her by August, the callous menagerie director who thought nothing of tossing a lit cigarette into Rosie's open mouth. He didn't limit his abuse to helpless animals but also mistreated his lovely wife, Marlena.

Spellbindingly read by David LeDoux and John Randolph Jones, Water For Elephants is at its heart the story of three - Jacob, who has lost his parents in a tragic accident, and finds a home with the circus, Marlena and, of course, Rosie. It's a poignant look at their lives set against an oppressive, sometimes degrading circus world, and a look back at our country during the grueling Depression years. Most importantly, it's a reminder of the resiliency of human beings and how love can heal.

@RPattzBaby from beautybythebooks

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