How does Ashley Greene look so sexy while she�s kicking butt? The answer: She trained like a fighter. �Ashley�s workouts included cardio, strength work, gymnastics, balance moves and a few styles of martial arts,� says Jackson Spidell, an assistant fight coordinator on Eclipse. The star had to master the exercises here � designed to strengthen her core, improve balance, and teach her the foundation of fight sequences � before she tackled Eclipse�s choreography. Give them a try � because even if you�ll never fight vampires, it doesn�t hurt to look like you could!
How it works:
Warm up with 5 minutes of easy cardio, such as walking or jogging, then do 2 sets of each move in order. Try not to rest between sets.
You�ll need:A rubber ball or empty water bottle.
Ball pass
Warms up the upper body, works the core, and improves balance
Hold a ball (or water bottle) in right hand and stand on right foot, left knee bent. Raise arms to shoulder height out to sides, palms facing up, and turn your head towards the ball [A]. Raise arms overhead and look up at the ball [B]. Then pass the ball to your left hand and lower arms to shoulder height again, following the ball with your eyes the entire time. Repeat, this time passing ball from left hand to right hand. Continue for 1 minute; switch legs halfway through set.
Rotating squat
Works legs and bum
Stand with feet wide, elbows bent and hands in fists under chin; squat. Pivot on left foot and lift right leg out to the side [A] as you rotate body 180 degrees to the left. Place right foot on floor and squat deep again [B]. Immediately repeat, this time rotating to the right. Continue for 1 minute.
Works abs, legs, and bum
Stand with feet wide and toes turned slightly out, elbows bent and hands in fists under chin. Squat and bend forward at hips, lowering your chest toward right thigh [A]. Keep knees bent and torso low as you quickly rotate toward left thigh, then stand (maintain the same position with arms the entire time) [B]. Immediately repeat, moving to the right, to complete 1 rep. Do 15 to 20 reps.
Front kick
Works core, legs, and bum
Stand with feet hip-width apart, elbows bent and hands in fists under chin. Lunge forward with right leg [A]. Push off right foot and stand as you pull left knee toward chest, then kick left leg out to hip height in front of you [B]. Reverse the motion to return to starting position; repeat. Do 15 to 20 reps, then switch legs to complete set.
Wide hooks
Works abs, arms, back, legs, and bum
Stand with feet wide, elbows bent and hands in fists under chin. Squat slightly and tighten your abs [A]. Punch right arm in front of you and sweep it tightly across your body (like a hook) to the left as you pivot to the left [B]. Return to starting position and repeat. Do15 to 20 reps, then punch and pivot to the right to complete set.
Scorpion plank
Works core, chest, shoulders, and legs
Get in plank position with wrists aligned under shoulders [A]. Pull right knee toward left elbow as you rotate your body to the left [B]. Return to starting position, then bring left knee toward right elbow to complete 1 rep. Do 12 to 15 reps.
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