Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Breaking Dawn: Twilight Wedding Week via Lainey Gossip


"This week is when they�re shooting the wedding reception and accompanying scenes for Twilight Breaking Dawn in Squamish. Am told there was a cast dinner last night at Rockwell�s. In attendance: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Peter Facinelli, Jackson Rathbone, and some other people I�ve never heard of. Rathbone teased Stewart about wedding dance moves and Stewart seemed �adorably anxious� about having to shoot them.

Before dinner Stewart and Pattinson played with his dog outside. I didn�t know he had a dog. I spent most of my investigative time inquiring about this dog. Unfortunately all I got back was �a dog of no distinguishable breed�. Unfortunately the source is not a dog person and was unable to do like dog owners do and speculate by analysing physical attributes. Jacek for instance thinks that any tri-colour dog must have beagle in them. Anyway, my dog Marcus just had surgery yesterday on his leg to remove a benign lump which is why I rushed home from the Junos. He�s fine. But really groggy. And hates his life because of the dreaded cone head, and has the runs. So there�s that.

Sorry Twi-Hards, back to you now�

I�m told Stewart and Pattinson were affectionate at the restaurant. Flirty kisses, no tongue, a lot of �inside looks and smiling�, a lot of �familiar touching�, like �two people who are close and comfortable with each other�, but she wasn�t riding him or anything. Having said that, there were definitely a few kisses. Happiness?

Which is a little different from what it�s like on set these days. Not that it�s not going well. It is. But my sources say there�s a �formality� to it that�s replaced the �collegiality� and �camp-like feel� that the cast used to have during the early days of production on the first film. Apparently it�s all very down to business, no drama, which is great, but the closeness they all once shared�it�s not the same. Very innocuous observations, nothing super juicy, but the mail from Twi-Hards has been really, really nice lately, I thought it might be fun for an update. The Britney
hate mail on the other hand� OMG, so f-cking amazing. Coming up soon."

Source via breakingdawnmovie.

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