Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Twilight's Jamie Campbell Bower Are Going To Be Arthur In 'Camelot' Too


From The Source: starpulse
Twi-hards are excited to see Jamie Campbell Bower return as Caius in Breaking Dawn. They can get a taste of him on TV in Starz� new series Camelot. He plays King Arthur. Kids, that was a book about a boy who pulls a sword from a stone and becomes leader of the kingdom. Perhaps there is a connection to Twilight, Bower suggests.

�I think behind every story at the moment that�s doing well or television or film, stories throughout history that have done well are stories that behind them and underlying everything that�s involved in them is a key love story,� Bower said. �Particularly with the Camelot story, people are fascinated with the relationship between Guinevere and Arthur and also the bizarre almost sexual chemistry between Morgan and Merlin. What we�re trying to do is that underneath it all is that there is a love story.�

You�d think after he won Twilight fans� approval as Caius, he�d have nothing to worry about. But he took Arthur very seriously too. �I approached the part with fear and great trepidation. It�s a part that has been played many times. It�s a part that many people have done very well. Some have not done it well. I was scared about being such a high-profile character within a television show. It�s a very scare prospect being on television for 10 hours and possibly doing this for an extended period of time.�

He didn�t want Arthur to be a hunky action hero though. �My conversation with Chris [Chibnall] and the producers was that we find this character when he is sort of a teenager, in his late teens. I didn�t want to have this aloofness and this beefiness to him because I think that people should be able to see that he�s a boy, that he�s got to grow into this man. I think that�s something that we can explore as we process through the series and hopefully there�ll be many more to come. As we actually carried on filming the series and we did more training and we did more sword fighting, my physique did bulk up. But at the beginning I very much wanted him to stay fleshy.�

Camelot premieres April 1 on Starz.

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