Saturday, October 24, 2009

No more shirtless Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner has stunned his fanbase by boldly declaring he wants to keep his clothes on in future, as he wants to be known for his acting rather his body.

Hmm, good luck there! The 17-year-old actor buffed up for his hunky role in Twilight: New Moon by working out up to seven days a week.

However, he is now getting fed up with the focus on his muscles, with millions across the globe salivating over those well developed pecs of his.

Taylor said: �I worked hard to get in shape for this role. My motivation was the movie and the fans but I don�t want to become known as just a body.

�If I had to choose, I would never take my shirt off again in a movie but I guess that�s not very realistic. I certainly won�t be asking to do it though.�

Well, we�re sure plenty of people will be... And it�s probably just as well, as Taylor has recently admitted that it�s a struggle for him to bulk up for his blockbuster role.

He explained: �The hardest part was actually eating a lot of good foods and cutting out all of the fat foods. It was about always putting something in your mouth.

�Every two hours, I always had to have something. So, that was the most difficult part for me, for sure. I knew what I had to do and that�s what I did. I stayed focused, and it all worked out well.�


Sv: Taylor Lautner har bed�vat sin fan skara genom att dj�rvt f�rklara att han vill beh�lla sina kl�der p� i framtiden, eftersom han vill vara k�nd f�r sin talang snarare �n hans kropp.

Hmm, lycka till! Den 17-�rige sk�despelaren byggde upp sig f�r sin hunk roll i Twilight: New Moon genom att tr�na upp till sju dagar i veckan.

Men nu har han tr�ttnat p� allt fokus p� hans muskler, med miljoner �ver hela v�rlden som dreglar �ver de v�lutvecklade rutorna.

Taylor sa: "Jag har arbetat h�rt f�r att komma i form f�r denna roll. Min motivation var filmen och fansen, men jag vill inte bli k�nd som bara en kropp.

"Om jag var tvungen att v�lja, jag aldrig skulle ta av min tr�ja igen i en film, men jag gissar att det �r inte s�rskilt realistiskt. Jag kommer verkligen inte att beg�ra att f� g�ra det igen. "


Han ber�ttar: "Det sv�raste var faktiskt att �ta en massa god mat och att klippa alla feta livsmedel. Det handlade om att alltid s�tta n�got i munnen.

"Varannan timme, var jag alltid tvungen att ha n�got. S�, det var det sv�raste f�r mig, helt klart. Jag visste vad jag skulle g�ra och det var vad jag gjorde. Jag h�ll mig fokuserad, och det hela fungerade bra.

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