Monday, October 26, 2009

Pattinson based Twilight role on rebel James Dean

The British actor shot to international fame when he took on the role of heart-throb vampire Edward Cullen in the hit bloodsucker movie.

Pattinson did a lot of research before he started shooting the film, and admits he used Dean's performance in Rebel Without A Cause as the basis for his character.

He tells USA Weekend magazine,"Rebel Without A Cause was a big influence on the first (Twilight film) - it influenced the hairdo and stuff. In lots of ways, it has a very similar character arc: an everyday girl brings this relatively strange individual out of his slump."



Sv: Den brittiska sk�despelaren sk�t till h�jden av internationell ber�mmelse n�r han tog p� sig rollen som hj�rt-krossaren vampyren Edward Cullen i hit blodsugare filmen.

Pattinson gjorde mycket forskning innan han b�rjade spela in filmen, och medger att han anv�nde Deans resultat i Rebel Without a Cause som grund f�r hans karakt�r.

Han ber�ttar f�r USA Weekend Magazine, "Rebel Without a Cause hade ett stort inflytande p� den f�rsta (Twilight film) - det p�verkade frisyr och s�nt. P� m�nga s�tt har den en mycket likartad karakt�r : en vardaglig flicka tar en konstig person ur hans svacka. "

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