Friday, October 23, 2009

Robert Pattinson in USA weekend

Brian Truitt had the chance to talk with cover boy Robert Pattinson, the popular star of Twilight and the upcoming sequel New Moon (in theaters Nov. 20). Pattinson, who plays the vampire Edward Cullen, was up in Vancouver filming Eclipse, the third adaptation from Stephenie Meyer�s book series coming out next year. �Almost every scene is a fight scene at the moment � for the last couple of weeks anyway,� he reports. �We�ve been doing splits for the past week and a half.�


For each movie, Pattinson says he�s tried to reinvent Edward a little bit. The first Twilight film had him falling in love with the human Bella (Stewart); New Moon has him banishing himself from Bella�s life, thereby creating a love triangle with the werewolf Jacob (Lautner); and Eclipse creates a tenuous co-existence between Edward and Jacob. �He�s definitely quite different� in Eclipse, Pattinson says of Edward. �In some ways, he�s more relaxed being around humans, and at the same time, he�s competing a lot more with Jacob so he has a lot more petty emotions rather than just thinking in these absolutes like he did in the first two. I�m just trying to keep it interesting for myself as well.�


�It�s nice to have a bit of artistic or creative endeavor that isn�t so pressurized,� he explains. �So many people have an opinion, especially when you�re doing the Twilight movies. Making this movie, it�s almost as if people have become more concerned with what the fans want the more successful it becomes. The first one seemed more relaxed than this one, and that one wasn�t particularly relaxed. But it�s nice to do music where no one�s too concerned with what I�m doing with it. It�s kind of a relief.�

To read the full interview go to source

Sv: Brian Truitt fick chansen att prata med omslags killen Robert Pattinson, den popul�ra stj�rnan i Twilight och den kommande uppf�ljaren New Moon (p� bio 20 november). Pattinson, som spelar vampyren Edward Cullen, �r uppe i Vancouver filma Eclipse, tredje delen i Stephenie Meyer's bok serie som kommer ut n�sta �r. "N�stan varje scen �r en kamp scen just nu - under de senaste veckorna �tminstone", ber�ttar han. "Vi har gjort splittar under den senaste en och en halv veckan."


F�r varje film, s�ger Pattinsons han f�rs�kte �teruppv�cka Edward lite. Den f�rsta Twilight filmen fick honom att f�r�lska sig i den m�nskliga Bella (Stewart), New Moon har han f�rvisat sig fr�n Bellas liv och d�rigenom skapat en k�rleks triangel med varulven Jacob (Lautner) och Eclipse skapar han en subtil samexistens mellan Edward och Jakob. "Han �r definitivt en helt annan" i Eclipse, s�ger Pattinson om Edward. "P� s�tt och vis, �r han mer avslappnad att vara med m�nniskor, och p� samma g�ng, konkurrerar han mycket mer med Jacob s� han har mycket mer futtiga k�nslor nu snarare �n att bara t�nka p� det absoluta som han gjorde i de tv� f�rsta. Jag f�rs�ker bara att h�lla det intressant f�r mig sj�lv ocks�. "


"Det �r sk�nt att ha lite konstn�rligt eller kreativ str�van som inte under s� mycket press, f�rklarar han. "S� m�nga m�nniskor har en �sikt, speciellt n�r du g�r Twilight filmerna. Att g�ra den h�r filmen, det �r n�stan som om folk har blivit mer intresserad av vad fansen vill ha f�r desto mer framg�ngsrik blir den. Den f�rsta verkade mer avslappnad �n den h�r, och d� var man inte s�rskilt avslappnad. Men det �r sk�nt att g�ra musik d�r ingen �r f�r orolig f�r vad jag ska g�ra med den. Det finns en slags l�ttnad. "

F�r att l�sa hela intervjun g�r till k�llan

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