Thursday, October 29, 2009
Robert Pattinson interview in italian Elle
If you repost this one source back to me and to the web site of Italian Elle
In courtesy of Elle
From the November issue (2009), out in stores now!
Article made by Giovanna Grassi
Here is the translation from the google tool; italian til english and swedish... I don't really get it, my head went spinning trying to figure it out so I hope you can get some sort of context from it. Some parts are blurry but...
Preview, events, lectures, meetings with the changing world
Everywhere, Robert Pattinson, blue eyes and blond hair streaked from bad boy, is to welcome signs that said: "Rob Robbed you our hearts": Rob you stole our hearts. And ill heart of teenanger around the world and the vampire Edward Cullen. Robert is the new Romeo, mysterious aspect and area as a boy to know that surprises. it matters little that in the new film, New Moon, he is no longer the absolute protoganista. the real man behind the vampire dark, loves music and composes songs. He has his own band, he studied art, and architecture fanatic, who loves the theater (dreams of a Hamlet), reader next to the classics. also interprets films courageous, independent productions as Unbound Captives of Madeleine Stowe, a dramatic story with a Western setting and there is talk of him as the protagonist of a new book by Bel Ami Guy de Maupassant.
What has this success changed your life?
"Many things, but not the substance. There is so much dark romance in Twilight, the relationship with Bell is a first love and first love is always tortuous and difficult. And Edward who gave substance to this summa of emotions, not me .
Why did you choose acting?
"I wanted to be independent. I started as a model, pointing to the theater, the British television has given me the first successes. They said I was the new Jude Law, who was more fascinating than Orlando Bloom: Nonsense. I never noticed my physical appearance are not haunted by the image. But I like to pose for photo shoots if designed as a story. "
What are your interests?
"The music. He plays piano and guitar, I love Mozart and the most unknown band hip hop, rock and jazz. Playing is therapeutic, the piano is my best friend. Then the picture: I like to remember moments, paezaggi aimed . The theater and reading. I had not read the books of Meyer, I found them interesting. But my preference is something else. Harold Pinter. Conan Doyle that kept me great company. Agatha Christie, the authors Celtic. George Orwell. Russians are fascinated day, dreaming of a long journey across Russia to rittrovare many things I read. I like to travel. I love to stay for hours in a bar in Madrid to watch the people or to loiter in maccina oldest towns in France. The discovery of the Member unit was important. Chicago, which is almost European, and Portland-a wonderful city-are much more "America" in New York and Los Angeles. "
How you spend the money?
"I spend little to me, I like to give gifts to my family, my sisters and friends. I buy CDs, DVDs, books, soft sweaters and plane tickets. I have the sense of money, do not forget when they deliver newspapers for ten pounds week.
How are your relations with the girls?
"Having two sisters helped me but I have a form of congenital shyness with the opposite sex. I've never going steady. I consider myself a single taken more of my guitars and women. I do not like aggressive girls, I am interested in those creative, complicated. I have many friends and I hate being blamed for a girlfriend every time I go out with them to eat a pizza. "
What is Hollywood for you?
"The first time I went to Los Angeles, I thought that really existed, it was just a word, a neighborhood. Then I realized that this is a perfectly oiled, where everything is planned, even gossip. Was Hollywood give me a false identity as Cedric in Harry Potter and Edward. My mother mocks me a lot about these false identities. I have a funny relationship with her. It helped me in adolescence, you know me stablilit�. It goes with me in fast food " .
With whom would you work?
"With the Coens, Paul Thomas Anderson and Todd Solondz. American cinema in the spirit of independent filmmakers because they know and what I prefer to distance themselves from business. Life is not 'and a business. We can not forget the fight for the environment to intergrate the minority ... Leonardo DiCaprio and model, and a nice person. Let me tell you this of me, not that I am a charming vampire. vampirization only music I like. My life is different, This bracket is only due to the fact that I heard I was chosen and not another. my girls, is only cinema.
H�r �r google �vers�ttningen p� texten...jag bli inte riktigt klok p� den s� jag hoppas ni f�r ut n�got slags sammanhang i hur den valt att �vers�tta fr�n italienska.
Sv: F�rhandsgranskning, evenemang, f�rel�sningar, m�ten med den f�r�nderliga v�rlden
�verallt �r Robert Pattinson, bl� �gon och blont h�r fr�n bad boy, v�lkomnas tecken som sa�ger: "Rob du r�nade v�ra hj�rtan": Rob du vann v�ra hj�rtan. Och svaga hj�rtan p� ungdomar runt om i v�rlden och vampyren Edward Cullen. Robert �r den nya Romeo, mystiska aspekt och omr�de som pojke att veta att �verraskningar. Det saknar betydelse att i den nya filmen, New Moon, �r han inte l�ngre den absoluta protoganista. den verkliga m�nniskan bakom vampyr m�rka, �lskar musik och komponerar l�tar. Han har sitt eget band, han studerade konst och arkitektur fanatiker, som �lskar teater (dr�mmar om en Hamlet), l�sare bredvid klassikerna. ocks� tolkar filmer modig, oberoende produktioner Obundet f�ngar Madeleine Stowe, en dramatisk historia med en v�sterl�ndsk inst�llning och det talas om honom som huvudperson i en ny bok av Bel Ami Guy de Maupassant.
Vad har denna framg�ng f�r�ndrat ditt liv?
"M�nga saker, men inte inneh�llet. Det finns s� mycket m�rk romantik i skymningen, �r f�rh�llandet till Bell ett f�rsta k�rleken och f�rsta k�rleken �r alltid kr�nglig och sv�r. Och Edward, som gav inneh�ll �t denna summa av k�nslor, inte jag .
Varf�r valde du agerar?
"Jag ville vara oberoende. Jag b�rjade som modell, pekar p� teatern, har den brittiska tv gett mig de f�rsta framg�ngarna. De sa att jag var den nya Jude Law, som var mer fascinerande �n Orlando Bloom: Struntprat. Jag aldrig lagt m�rke till mitt utseende inte jagad av bilden. Men jag gillar att posera f�r fotograferingar om de �r konstruerade som en ber�ttelse. "
Vilka �r dina intressen?
"Musiken. Han spelar piano och gitarr, jag �lskar Mozart och mest ok�nda band hip hop, rock och jazz. Playing �r terapeutiskt, �r pianot min b�sta v�n. Sedan bild: Jag vill minnas stunder, paezaggi syftar . teatern och l�sning. Jag hade inte l�st b�ckerna av Meyer, jag hittade dem intressanta. Men min inst�llning �r en annan sak. Harold Pinter. Conan Doyle fick mig att undvika stora f�retag. Agatha Christie, f�rfattare Celtic. George Orwell. Ryssarna �r fascinerade dag, dr�mmer om en l�ng resa genom Ryssland till rittrovare m�nga saker jag l�st. Jag gillar att resa. Jag �lskar att bo i timmar i en bar i Madrid f�r att titta p� folk eller att s�la i maccina �ldsta st�derna i Frankrike. Uppt�ckten av medlemsstaternas enhet var viktig. Chicago, som �r n�stan europeiska, och Portland-en underbar stad, �r mycket mer "Amerika" i New York och Los Angeles. "
Hur du spenderar pengarna?
"Jag spenderar mycket f�r mig, jag gillar att ge presenter till min familj, mina systrar och v�nner. Jag k�pa CD, DVD, b�cker, mjuka tr�jor och flygbiljetter. Jag har k�nslan av pengar, gl�m inte n�r de levererar tidningar f�r tio pounds vecka.
Hur �r dina relationer med flickorna?
"Att ha tv� systrar hj�lpte mig men jag har en form av medf�dd blyghet med det motsatta k�net. Jag har aldrig g� stadigt. Jag ser mig sj�lv som en enda tagit mer av mina gitarrer och kvinnor. Jag tycker inte om aggressiva flickor, jag �r intresserad av dessa kreativ, komplicerat. Jag har m�nga v�nner och jag hatar att beskyllas f�r en tjej varje g�ng jag g�r ut med dem f�r att �ta en pizza. "
Vad �r Hollywood f�r dig?
"F�rsta g�ngen jag �kte till Los Angeles, t�nkte jag att det verkligen fanns, var det bara ett ord, ett kvarter. D� ins�g jag att detta �r en perfekt oljade, d�r allt �r planerat, �ven skvaller. Was Hollywood ge mig en falsk identitet som Cedric i Harry Potter och Edward. Min mor h�nar mig mycket om dessa falska identiteter. Jag har en rolig f�rh�llande med henne. Det hj�lpte mig i ton�ren, du k�nner mig stablilit�. Det g�r med mig p� snabbmat " .
Med vem vill du arbeta?
"Med Coens, Paul Thomas Anderson och Todd Solondz. Amerikansk film i samma anda som oberoende filmskapare, eftersom de vet och vad jag f�redrar att ta avst�nd fr�n verksamheten. Livet �r inte" och ett f�retag. Vi f�r inte gl�mma kampen f�r milj�n till intergrate minoriteten ... Leonardo DiCaprio och modell, och en trevlig person. L�t mig s�ga mig om detta, inte att jag �r en charmig vampyr. vampirization bara musik jag gillar. Mitt liv �r annorlunda, Konsolen �r bara beror p� att jag h�rde jag valdes, och inte n�gon annan. mina flickor, �r bara bio.
Robert Pattinson
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