Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Anna Kendrick in Paper Magazine's "Beautiful People 2010" Issue

Svensk �vers�ttning i slutet

Anna Kendrick is having something of a moment, to put it mildly. The 24-year-old actress has received so much international acclaim for her turn as the PowerPoint-wielding efficiency expert in director Jason Reitman�s feel-bad film Up in the Air that it�s easy to forget she also appeared in two little movies with �Twilight� in the title. Being nominated for an Oscar will do that for a girl. �You find out with the rest of the world,� Kendrick says. �I was too nervous to watch the nominations on TV, so I went for a jog, but my phone started going off. I sprinted back home, cracked a bottle of champagne and started drinking it before I realized it was 5 a.m.�

It�s a deserved nod to an actress who possesses the kind of onscreen depth more common to older actors. Not that it�s all that surprising, since it turns out Reitman wrote the role with her in mind. �When he told me, I just tried to act really cool,� she says. �I wasn�t all that successful at it.� Self-effacing tendencies aside, Kendrick�s a pro at keeping her nerves in check; she�s already got a decade-plus of acting experience under her belt, including several turns on Broadway in productions of A Little Night Music and High Society, having garnered a Tony nomination for the latter at the age of 12.

Next, she�ll appear with Michael Cera in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and opposite Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen in a black comedy called I�m With Cancer. She says she likes difficult roles -- she�s going through a phase where she�s excited about exploring vulnerable characters -- and she hopes to continue in challenging parts. �But Meryl Streep was in Stuck on You, so no one�s career is perfect.�

Anna wears a dress by Nicole Miller Collection and bow by Dekkori

papermag Via twilightish

Anna Kendrick �r att ha n�got av en stund, f�r att uttrycka det milt. Den 24-�riga sk�despelerskan har f�tt s� mycket internationell uppm�rksamhet p� sin tur som PowerPoint-svingande effektivitet expert p� regiss�ren Jason Reitman s m�-d�ligt-film upp i luften att det �r l�tt att gl�mma att hon ocks� medverkat i tv� sm� filmer med "Twilight "i titeln. Han nominerades till en Oscar kommer att g�ra det f�r en flicka. "Du hittar ut med resten av v�rlden", Kendrick s�ger. "Jag var f�r nerv�s f�r att titta p� nomineringarna p� TV, s� jag gick f�r en joggingtur, men min telefon b�rjade g� av. Jag sprang hem, kn�ckt en flaska champagne och b�rjade dricka det innan jag ins�g att det var 5 AM "

Det �r en v�lf�rtj�nt nick till en sk�despelerska som har den typ av sk�rmen djup vanligare att �ldre akt�rer. Inte f�r att det �r allt s� konstigt, eftersom det visar sig Reitman skrev rollen med henne i �tanke. "N�r han ber�ttade f�r mig, jag bara f�rs�kte agera riktigt coolt, s�ger hon. "Jag var inte s� framg�ngsrik p� det." Sj�lvutpl�nande tendenser �t sidan, det Kendrick ett proffs p� att h�lla nerverna i schack, hon har redan f�tt ett decennium-plus agera erfarenhet under hennes b�lte, inklusive flera varv p� Broadway i upps�ttningar som A Little Night Music och High Society, som har samlat en Tony-nominering f�r den senare vid en �lder av 12.

D�refter kommer hon att synas med Michael Cera i Scott Pilgrim vs v�rlden och motsatta Joseph Gordon-Levitt och Seth Rogen i en svart komedi heter jag �r med cancer. Hon s�ger att hon gillar sv�ra roller - hon g�r igenom en fas d�r hon �r entusiastiska �ver att unders�ka utsatta tecken - och hon hoppas kunna forts�tta i utmanande delar. Men Meryl Streep var i Stuck on You, s� ingen karri�r �r perfekt. "

Anna b�r en kl�nning fr�n Nicole Miller Collection och b�ge av Dekkori

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