Monday, March 29, 2010

Las Provincias (Spain) Interviews Robert Pattinson: " I'm a little tired of so much fantasy"

Svensk �vers�ttning i slutet

LAS PROVINCIAS interviewed Rob about Remember Me. Some fun questions and answers as well as the standard Remember Me information we already know.
Here�s the full translation. As usual, please link back to this post of you re-post it elsewhere (forums included).

Is your character in RM the closest interpretation of your on personality?
No. I think it�s impossible to represent yourself being fully aware of what you�re trying to do. I try to choose characters that are not like me at all. The more unknown they are to me, the better I can play them because then I don�t feel vulnerable.

Do you like the tortured characters?
Those are the ones that I�m being offered. Subconsciously I try to be like my characters, and I live my fantasies through them. I�d love to be a confused young person that fights for his ideals, but I�m not like that.

Everyone beats him up in RM.
I prefer to be hit than hitting. It�s more interesting.

How would you describe the movie?
It�s a movie about a life style, about love and the desire to live. The story is told through the eyes of Tyler, who is not aware of the consequences of the relationships he has.

Trauma seems to be everyone�s bond in the movie.
Yes, all the characters in the movie have faced death somehow, losing a family member. So there�s a connection with them through grief.

This is your first movie since New Moon, is that a relief?
Yes. I wanted to do a smaller film. Something with a modest budget that I could film in between filming the Twilight movies. I wanted a story that was more realistic because I was getting a bit tired of the fantasy genre. I needed to play a regular character that faced normal issues.

Do you feel the pressure of fame now?
Yes, and the industry�s pressure as well. It�s almost like everybody is looking at me. Some people are just waiting to see me crash and burn, others are convinced that I�m going to make it. But in any case, I don�t care about people�s expectations. I�m the only one who has to worry about my career.

Eclipse is right around the corner�
I know. And I�m a little angy because people will forget about my performance in Remember Me, and keep the idea they had before about me. I thought Eclipse would come out 3 months after RM, but no. I just hope the expectation doesn�t overshadow the movie itself, because the third installemnt won�t be very different from the first two.

Mattel has a doll with your image, there�s unauthorized biographies of you, photographers follow you everywhere. Do you feel like a brand?
Yes. Fame can be a moster that consumes your life. The only thing that bothers me is people who think they know me and try to relate to a determined image of me.
I don�t mind if Hollywood sees me as the tortured teenager. I�ll change that perception with my work.
In this industry all they care about is that you make money. It doesn�t matter if you�re the next super-hero, or the next vampire, of the next lead in a romantic comedy.

Is it hard to rest after so much attention?
It�s very hard. There�s nothing I can do but try to find moments of peace, otherwise I�d go insane. It�s annoying when people scream for you on the streets or on the supermarket, or when you�re with your friends at a pub. I appreciate my fans and their support, I�m thankful and I know I wouldn�t be where I am without them. The most annoting part is living with 100 photographers outside my house, because they never stop, I live hiding from them.

Thanks for Translation: twilightpoison

Las Provincias intervjuade Rob om Remember MMe. N�gra roliga fr�gor och svar samt standard ih�g mig information som vi redan k�nner till. H�r �r fullst�ndig �vers�ttning. Som vanligt kan du l�nka tillbaka till det h�r inl�gget av dig igen efter den n�gon annanstans (forum ing�r).

�r din karakt�r i RM n�rmaste tolkning av dina p� personlighet? Nej Jag tycker det �r om�jligt att f�retr�da sig sj�lv �r fullt medveten om vad du f�rs�ker g�ra. Jag f�rs�ker att v�lja tecken som inte gillar mig alls. Ju mer ok�nda de �r f�r mig, desto b�ttre kan jag spela upp dem f�r d� jag k�nner mig inte s�rbar.

Gillar du de pl�gade karakt�rerna?
Dessa �r de som jag erbjuds.Jag f�rs�ker omedvetet att bli som mina karakt�rer, och jag bygger mina fantasier genom dem. Jag vill g�rna vara en f�rvirrad ung person som k�mpar f�r sina ideal, men jag �r inte s�.

Alla sl�r honom i RM.
Jag f�redrar att bli slagen �n att sl�. Det �r mer intressant.

Trauma verkar vara allas band i filmen.
Ja, karakt�rerna i filmen har alla m�tte d�den p� n�got s�tt, att f�rlora en familjemedlem. S� det finns ett samband med dem genom sorg.

Detta �r din f�rsta film sedan New Moon, �r det en l�ttnad?
Ja. Jag ville g�ra en mindre film. N�got med en blygsam budget att jag kunde film i mellan filma Twilight filmerna. Jag ville ha en historia som var mer realistisk, eftersom jag b�rjade bli lite tr�tt p� fantasy genren. Jag var tvungen att spela en "normal" person som m�tte normala fr�gor.

K�nner du pressen av ber�mmelse nu?
Ja, och branschens p�tryckningar ocks�. Det �r n�stan som alla tittar p� mig. Vissa m�nniskor v�ntar bara p� att se mig krascha och brinna, andra �r �vertygade om att jag ska klara det. Men i alla fall, jag bryr mig inte om m�nniskors f�rv�ntningar. Jag �r den enda som har att oroa sig f�r min karri�r.

Eclipse �r runt h�rnet ... jag vet. Och jag �r lite besviken eftersom m�nniskor kommer att gl�mma min prestation i Remember Me och h�lla id�n de hade innan om mig. Jag trodde Eclipse skulle komma ut 3 m�nader efter RM, men nej. Jag hoppas bara att f�rv�ntningar inte �verskuggar sj�lva filmen, eftersom den tredje inst�llningen inte kommer att vara mycket annorlunda fr�n de tv� f�rsta.

Mattel har en docka med din bild, det finns obeh�riga biografier �ver dig, fotografer f�ljer dig �verallt. K�nner du ett varum�rke? Ja. Fame kan vara en moster som f�rbrukar ditt liv. Det enda som st�r mig �r folk som tror att de k�nner mig och f�rs�ker att relatera till en viss bild av mig. Bryr jag mig inte om Hollywood ser mig som den torterade ton�ring. Jag kommer att �ndra denna uppfattning med mitt arbete. I denna bransch av alla de bryr sig om �r att du tj�na pengar. Det spelar ingen roll om du �r den n�sta super-hj�lte, eller n�sta vampyr, i n�sta bly i en romantisk komedi.

�r det sv�rt att vila efter s� pass mycket uppm�rksamhet? Det �r mycket sv�rt. Det finns inget jag kan g�ra men f�rs�ka att hitta stunder av fred, annars skulle jag bli galen. Det �r irriterande n�r folk skriker �t dig p� gatan eller p� stormarknaden, eller n�r du �r med dina v�nner p� en pub. Jag uppskattar mina fans och deras st�d, jag �r tacksam och jag vet att jag inte skulle vara d�r jag �r utan dem. Den mest annoting delen �r att leva med 100 fotografer utanf�r mitt hus, eftersom de aldrig sluta, jag lever g�md fr�n dem.

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