Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Evolution of Robert Pattinson

Svensk �vers�ttning i slutet
Vanity Fair (2004)

Your big break, and your scenes are left scorching the editing room floor. That�s Hollywood for you!
Mr Pattinson�s first major role saw him appearing in the updated, Reese Witherspoon-headed Vanity Fair as Rawdy Crawley.
His big moment comes in the graveyard scene, where he pouts and looks generally moody and miffed, frilled up something chronic. You can find it in the DVD�s deleted scenes.
The Do: The famous quiff puts in an early appearance, though the do�s shorter than usual.

Ring Of The Nibelungs (2004)

TV flick that used Norse mythology as a springboard for a lot of chatter about Dragon-Slaying and the like. Pattinson�s fee funded his tuition at the Harrodian School in barnes.
R-Patz is Giselher, the king�s brother, who stows away on a voyage to Iceland. He wears a lot of Medieval-type clothing, and a lot of leather. There is actually smiling involved, which is a shock for anybody who�s not seen anything of Pattinson pre-Twilight.
The Do: It�s mullet time! Long, blonder than ever, and very pretty indeed. Nasty fringe, though.

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (2005)

Nabbing a role in The Little Franchise That Could, Pattinson plays Cedric Diggory (or should that be Deadric?), the famously tragic figure who falls at the hand of You-Know-Who.
His performance landed him the British Star of Tomorrow award from The Times, and by all accounts Patz had a good time filming how to scuba dive for the part. Oh, and he lied in his audition, saying that he loved football so he�d get the role. Bad boy.
The Do: Posh, side-swept boys� school look befitting of somebody called Cedric. It�s about as dangerous as a kitten in a bow.

The Haunted Airman (2006)

R-Patz finds his way around a wheelchair for another TV movie, based on Dennis Wheatley�s �40s occult thriller, The Haunting Of Toby Jugg.
At the time, it was a fresh, riveting idea. A disabled British airman recovers from his time in battle. Pattinson�s version was funded by the BBC and aired on BBC4 in October 2006. His performance won fans in The Stage mag, who credited his performance, which incorporated �youthful terror and world weary cynicism�.
The Do: The Cedric do�s still there. Eee, isn�t he posh?

The Bad Mother�s Handbook (2007)

Another TV film, this one alongside Catherine Tate for ITV. It�s an adaptation of the bestseller of the same name by Kate Long. He plays the boyfriend of Holly Grainger�s Charlie, whose only gone and got herself pregnant.
Stateside, ABC are planning their own TV series based on the book, with the decidedly more glamorous Alicia Silverstone to star. We doubt Patz will be involved.
The Do: Oh dear God, make it stop! Painfully floppy curtains render R-Patz nothing more than a big, walking night-hair. Needs a serious trim.

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007)

Wait just one cotton picking minute, didn�t Patz die in the last HP outing? Ah, sorry Patties, there�s no resurrection for his manly Deadric. He just appears in a photograph.
It�s little more than a cameo, but a sweet one at that.
�Sometimes I think, �To hell with acting,�� the actor says. �And then I realize I could be working at a shoe shop. Acting is much cooler.�
The Do: A repeat of the young, gentlemanly cut he favoured in Goblet Of Fire.

The Summer House (2008)

A short film from the London Academy, Summer House might as well have been the role that convinced the Twilight producers that he was right for Edward Cullen.
After all, he plays a dark, persuasive stalker-type who falls head-over-heels in love with a dark-haired young lady and tries everything to woo her. He�s got a bit of a Hollywood tan here; lovely.
The Do: Still long, sort of a cross between the remains of a dead rat and an aging rocker.

How to Be (2008)

Patz shows off his skill with a guitar playing the odd-named Art (we�re guessing that�s short for Artemidoros or Arthgallo), a sort of transient low-life who means well, but seems to end up annoying everybody despite himself.
It was first released at the IFC Festival in April 2009 after having been on a screening tour. Patz won a Best Actor award at the Strasbourg Film Festival.
The Do: Dreadful! Curtains are worse than their debut in Bad Mother�s Handbook, and the eyebrows are out of control.

Little Ashes (2008)

Pattinson stretches those acting chops and makes out with a boy. In your face, Bella.
He plays infamous boundary-busting artist Salvador Dal� in the 1922-set tale, who allegedly had a gay affair with poet Federico Garc�a Lorca while studying at university in Madrid. There�s a bit where he puts his thing between his legs like Buffalo Bill in The Silence Of The Lambs.
It has been nominated for a prize at the 21st GLAAD Media Awards.
The Do: It�s all about that crazy moustache and the greasy, slicked back hair.

Twilight (2008)

Hard to believe that there was a Twi-hard outcry when news of Pattinson�s casting was first announced. He beat 3,000 brooding hopefuls to the role.
Pattinson says the film �is a metaphor for the virtues of chastity, but it�s had the opposite effect. I get letters that say, �I�m going to kill myself if you don�t watch High School Musical 2 with me.� It�s a little nuts.� Poor Patz.
The Do: That�s more like it. Patz finds his trademark do and makes teenage boys go running to the �dressers while forgetting how they took the piss out of the girls for doing the same with The Rachel.

New Moon (2009)

A diminished role for the first Twilight sequel, as Edward dumps his beloved Bella and she goes off with some wolf fella who hates wearing shirts.
It�s Patz�s favourite book in the series. He reportedly refused to have his unruly eyebrows waxed as much as in the first film.
Rumours persist that he and co-star Kristen Stewart are having a secret affair. Nobody�s talking � they don�t even talk to each other in public much.
The Do: A slightly longer, slightly darker variant on the original (to make him a bit grumpier, maybe).

Remember Me (2010)

This is the flick that Patz was filming when he was hit by a car attempting to escape screaming fans. During a break in shooting, he attempted to get away from over-zealous nutjobs and got clipped by a car. Luckily he was fine.
Hollywoodland director Allen Coulter helms this indie romance, in which moody 21-year-old Tyler (Patz) falls in love with Ally (Emilie de Ravin), who lives each day as if it were her last after witnessing her mother�s murder. Cheery stuff.
The Do: He�s found his style now, rocking the short look and making us all look damned unfashionable.

Vanity Fair (2004)

Ditt stora genombrott, och dina scener kvar br�nnhet golvet redigering rummet. Det �r Hollywood f�r dig!

Herr Pattinson f�rsta stora roll s�g honom som finns i den uppdaterade, Reese Witherspoon i huvudet Vanity Fair som Rawdy Crawley.

Hans stora �gonblick kommer p� kyrkog�rden scen, d�r han pouts och ser allm�nt lynnig och miffed, frilled upp n�got kroniskt. Du hittar den i DVD: s borttagna scener.

H�ret: Den ber�mda PANNLOCK befinner sig i ett tidigt utseende, �ven om det inte �r kortare �n vanligt.

Ring Nibelungs (2004)

TV-stiletter som anv�nds nordisk mytologi som en spr�ngbr�da f�r en hel del prat om Dragon-Slaying och liknande. Pattinson arvode finansieras hans undervisning vid Harrodian skolan i Barnes.

R-Patz �r Giselher, kungens bror, som stows iv�g p� en resa till Island. Han b�r en hel del medeltida typ kl�der och en hel del l�der. Det finns faktiskt ler inblandade, vilket �r en chock f�r alla som �r inte alls sett Pattinson f�re Twilight.

H�ret: Det �r mulle tid! L�nga, blondare �n n�gonsin, och v�ldigt s�t faktiskt. Nasty marginella, dock.

Harry Potter och den flammande b�garen (2005)

Nabbing en roll i The Little Franchise som, spelar Pattinson Cedric Diggory (eller borde det vara Deadric?), Den ber�mda tragiska figur som faller vid sidan av du-vet-vem.

Hans resultat landade han den brittiska Star Morgondagens utm�rkelse av The Times, och av allt att Patz hade en bra tid filmar hur man dyka f�r den del. �h, och han lj�g i sin audition och s�ger att han �lskade fotboll s� han skulle f� rollen. Bad boy.

H�ret: Posh, sida svepte pojkar skola ser anst�r av n�gon som heter Cedric. Det �r ungef�r lika farlig som en kattunge i en b�ge.
The Haunted Airman (2006)

R-Patz finner sin v�g runt en rullstol f�r en annan tv-film, baserad p� Dennis Wheatley: s 40-talen ockult thriller, The Haunting of Toby Jugg.

Vid den tiden var det en ny, f�ngslande id�. En funktionshindrad brittiska flygare kr�va tillbaka dessa fr�n sin tid i strid. Pattinson version har finansierats av BBC och s�ndes p� BBC4 i oktober 2006. Hans prestationer vann fans i The Stage mag, som krediteras hans framf�rande, som bildat "ungdomliga terror och v�rlden tr�tta cynism".

Den handlande: Cedric g�ra �r fortfarande d�r. Eee, �r inte han stel?

The Bad Mother's Handbook (2007)

En annan TV-film, h�r ett parallellt Catherine Tate f�r ITV. Det �r en anpassning av b�sts�ljare med samma namn av Kate Long. Han spelar pojkv�n Holly Grainger's Charlie, vars enda borta, men jag sj�lv gravid.

Stateside �r ABC planera sina egna tv-serie baserad p� boken, med avgjort mer glamor�st Alicia Silverstone till stj�rna. Vi tvivlar Patz kommer att delta.

H�ret: �h herregud, g�r s� att det slutar! Sm�rtsamt diskret gardiner g�r R-Patz inget annat �n en stor, g�ng p� natten h�r. Beh�ver en allvarlig trim.

Harry Potter och Fenixorden (2007)

V�nta bara en bomull plockar minut, inte Patz d� i sista HP utflykt? Ah, ledsen pastejer, det finns ingen uppst�ndelse f�r hans manliga Deadric. Han verkar bara p� ett fotografi.

Det �r f�ga mer �n en cameo, men en s�t s�dan.

"Ibland tror jag," �t helvete med b�da '", sk�despelaren s�ger. "Och d� inser jag att jag kunde arbeta i en skoaff�r. Agera �r mycket svalare. "

H�ret: En upprepning av de unga, gentlemannam�ssigt skar han gynnas i flammande b�garen.

The Summer House (2008)

En kort film fr�n London Academy kan Summer House och har den roll som �vertygade Twilight producenterna att han var r�tt f�r Edward Cullen.

N�r allt spelar han en m�rk, �vertygande stalker-typ som blir chef �ver �ronen f�r�lskad i en m�rkh�rig ung dam och f�rs�ker allt f�r att fria till henne. Han fick lite av en Hollywood-tan h�r, h�rligt.

H�ret: Fortfarande l�ng, typ av en korsning mellan resterna av en d�d r�tta och en �ldrande rocker.

How to Be (2008)

Patz visar upp sin skicklighet med ett gitarrspel med udda namnet Art (vi gissar att korta f�r Artemidoros eller Arthgallo), en slags �verg�ende l�g liv som menar v�l, men tycks hamna irriterande alla trots sj�lv.

Det sl�pptes f�rst p� IFC Festival i april 2009 efter att ha varit p� en screening turn�. Patz vann B�sta manliga huvudroll i Strasbourg Film Festival.

H�ret: f�rf�rligt! Gardiner �r s�mre �n deras debut i Bad Mother's Handbook, och �gonbrynen �r utom kontroll.

Little Ashes (2008)

Pattinson str�cker de som agerar k�ft och g�r ut med en pojke. I ditt ansikte, Bella.

Han spelar �k�nda gr�ns-busting konstn�ren Salvador Dal� i 1922-set ber�ttelse, som p�st�s ha haft en homosexuell aff�r med poeten Federico Garc�a Lorca medan du studerar p� universitetet i Madrid. Det finns lite d�r han l�gger sin sak mellan benen som Buffalo Bill i The N�r lammen tystnar.

Det har varit nominerad till ett pris p� 21. GLAAD Media Awards.

H�ret: Det handlar om att galna mustasch och fet, slicked tillbaka h�r.

Twilight (2008)

Sv�rt att tro att det fanns ett Twi-hard ramaskri n�r nyheten om Pattinsons gjutning f�rst tillk�nnagavs. Han fick 3.000 ruvande hoppfulla till rollen.

Pattinson s�ger att filmen "�r en metafor f�r f�rdelarna med kyskhet, men det hade motsatt effekt. Jag f�r brev som s�ger "jag ska d�da mig om du inte tittar p� High School Musical 2 med mig." Det �r lite tokig. "D�lig Patz.

Do: Det �r mer som det. Patz hittar sitt varum�rke g�r och g�r ton�rspojkar springa till "k�kssk�p medan gl�mmer hur de tog piss av flickorna f�r att g�ra samma sak med Rachel.

New Moon (2009)

En minskad roll f�r f�rsta Twilight uppf�ljaren, som Edvard dumpar sin �lskade Bella och hon g�r iv�g med n�gra varg rackaren som hatar b�r skjortor.

Det �r Patz favorit bok i serien. Han v�grade enligt uppgift att ha sin oregerliga �gonbryn vaxade s� mycket som i den f�rsta filmen.

Rykten kvarst�r att han och co-star Kristen Stewart har haft en hemlig aff�r. Ingen pratar - de beh�ver inte ens prata med varandra i det offentliga mycket.

Do: En n�got l�ngre, n�got m�rkare variant p� originalet (f�r att g�ra honom lite grumpier, kanske).

Remember Me (2010)

Detta �r den filmen att Patz filmade n�r han blev p�k�rd av en bil f�rs�kte fly skrikande fans. Under en paus i skytte, f�rs�kte han komma bort fr�n alltf�r nitiska nutjobs och fick klippas av en bil. Lyckligtvis var han bra.

Hollywoodland regiss�ren Allen Coulter Helms detta indie romantik, d�r moody 21-�rige Tyler (Patz) f�r�lskar sig i Ally (Emilie de Ravin), som bor varje dag som om det vore hennes sista efter att ha sett sin mors mord. Glada saker.

H�ret: Han har hittat sin stil nu, skakar kort utseende och g�r oss alla ser f�rbannat omodern.

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