Robert Pattinson talks to us about his new film, Remember Me, what appealed about the character and its themes and working with Pierce Brosnan as his father. He also discusses how he chooses projects outside of the Twilight movies, and why brooding is a new term for him.
What did you like about the script for Remember Me?
Robert Pattinson: I�d read tons of scripts over the summer, after I did Twilight � I mean hundreds� and everything just seemed exactly the same. This one initially stood out in the way the dialogue was written: it just seemed much more naturalistic than most things.Tyler as a character � it seems that most movies which have a young male protagonist as the lead have to be either a virgin, or have to learn everything during the movie, or they always go through the trials of the movie and end up a different person and they�re completely fine afterwards.But Tyler starts off with a lot of baggage and a very full and developed character, and ends up being developed in a slightly different way, rather than: �Oh I�m fine now!� You just never see that in films very much, especially for young people�s parts.
How was working with Pierce Brosnan as your father?
Robert Pattinson: I never, ever would have thought initially it would have been someone like Pierce playing Charles. I think he has an innate likeability to him, as soon as you meet him he�s very, very charismatic. Charles, on the page, was someone who�s very domineering and quite a negative character, and Pierce just by being Pierce can change the whole dynamic of it, which made for a much for interesting relationship. He�s a really nice guy.
You�re very sweet with the young girl playing your sister. It seems like a very natural relationship. Tell us about how you made it seem that way�
Robert Pattinson: It�s all down to Ruby Jerins, who plays her. I don�t have any younger brothers or sisters� I�ve got two older sisters. I kind of think I always wanted a younger sibling � not that I have anything against my sisters [laughs].But she�s just one of the best actresses I�ve ever worked with. She�s surprisingly articulate about her character. When I first met her, she seemed like a very, very normal kid, and then the more she talked about her character�s development, she could talk about it for hours.And she could also improvise for hours and was so comfortable in front of a camera and working with adults. It was very easy to do anything with her. You could just look at her and know what to do immediately.
At what point did you realise you could use your powers for good, and through your success help finance movies like this? And what pressures are there on you to make other stuff that might earn more money but be less satisfying?
Robert Pattinson: I never like anything, so it�s quite easy to decide what to do � even movies I�m not in [laughs]! I�ve never felt any pressure to do anything, particularly. Even when we were shooting it, I never thought about the box office� it�s only when it came to promoting it that you�re asked about that stuff.Obviously, it�s not like a Twilight movie, it�s an original screenplay, and it doesn�t fit into any genre� it�s not really that much of a feel-good movie. They don�t make movies like it anymore. I think that�s how I kind of choose stuff. That�s the only criteria I really have: If there seems to be a gap in the market for something, then I try and do that. I�m trying to do that with all the other things I�m doing afterwards.
How were you with the New York accent?
Robert Pattinson: I think it just came out of the script. I pretty much had the same voice from the first time I read the script to the whole way through the movie. Sometimes when you�re lucky, you just read a script and the voice comes out right. I wasn�t even conscious of doing a New York accent � I don�t even know what borough or anything! I�ve spent a bit of time in New York, and just tried to pick up on how people speak. But I don�t know where my accent is now: I wouldn�t say I�ve specifically got a London accent anymore.
Your character has a buddy, Aiden, who becomes increasingly important to him. Do you have a real-life equivalent � a male buddy?
Robert Pattinson: I�ve grown up with the same friends since I was 12. I have a very, very close-knit set of them.
Your sister in the movie regards your character as a hero to protect her � do you have a hero?
Robert Pattinson: I grew up with people that a lot of other people regarded as heroes, but no-one ever came to me for advice or protection � so I think I�ve been left out as a hero!As regards my own heroes, outside of my family I don�t really know� they are great people, my parents are great parents and they brought me up very well. I think that�s about all the heroes I have.
How important is the reaction of your fans to this, being such a different, more low-key project to Twilight?
Robert Pattinson: I always felt it�s the most important thing you can do, doing films like this which are quite difficult, I would have thought � to just generically advertise and get out to people. Having something like Twilight and Lost gives it publicity immediately. So, if people go to see it� once you�ve got them into the cinema, then it�s almost inevitable that they�ll get drawn into it, hopefully.Obviously, you hope people like things, but if you start doing stuff to please a certain audience then you�re going in the wrong direction � because you can never please people by deciding for them, you don�t even know the people you�re trying to please� especially when you�re trying to please huge swathes of people!
What is it that attracts you to deep and brooding types like Tyler and Edward?
Robert Pattinson: I did do lighter stuff before Twilight came out. It just so happened that Twilight has become so much about this archetypal, brooding person. I never thought Tyler was that brooding, to be honest! I never even heard the word before Twilight.I guess you like to play broken, troubled characters because that�s more interesting, especially because I�m not particularly broken or troubled myself. I�m doing something now which is still quite dark but the character isn�t so fractured� it�s someone who is incredibly focused and has a lot of confidence in himself. Nothing can shake his confidence.After that, I think there�s a lighter thing as well. It�s not really that they�re angsty� joy seems to be a universal emotion but in scripts, it�s quite difficult � if you�re happy, you�re happy.
Can you talk about the progression of your character in Remember Me � did you always have a clear view of how you were going to play him?
Robert Pattinson: Well, the script changed so much over seven months, and had lots of re-writes. I spoke a lot to Nick [Osbourne, producer] and Allen [Coulter], the director, and the writers. I tried to tailor things to what I was interested in.The relationship with the Dad changed quite a lot� because I thought, when you�re a young guy, one of your biggest fears is an irrational fear of walking in your dad�s footsteps and living the same life as him. Even if your dad�s a good guy, you just want to assert your independence on everything and that causes irrational rages. It developed into something quite different and specific from the first reading.But I always feel pretty connected to [the film]. I thought it was a great template from the beginning. The other thing that was interesting about it was how it dealt with grief: Tyler doesn�t deal with grief in the typical way.
Dealing with sorrow is a noble emotion and grief when you�re young can be very cheap in a lot of ways� and I thought that was quite interesting how Tyler does want to forget about his past.
Tyler is quite an angry, punchy young man. How did you psyche yourself up for the fight scenes, and have you ever been in a fight?
Robert Pattinson: I haven�t been in a fight for quite a long time. I�m too scared now. I think if I got into a fight now, I�d go: �Just kill me!� I liked a lot of Tyler�s character, the rebelliousness and the audaciousness of it, because it�s kind of like a fantasy of myself. Like: �I�m the type of guy who just randomly gets into fights� getting into them all the time.� I�m not really.
How was fighting Chris Cooper?
Robert Pattinson: Chris Cooper is unbelievably strong� he�s terrifying! Also, the fight I had at the beginning, I was doing it with the big stunt guy and I was hitting a thing next to his head, and hit him with what I thought was my full strength, I hit his face about four times, and every time I was going: �I�m sorry, I�m sorry!� And he said, �It�s fine, it doesn�t really hurt.� That was kind of an ego-deflater.
Did working together with Australian actress Emilie de Ravin provide the backdrop for a shared sense of humour?
Robert Pattinson: On the day of the audition, when Emilie got the part, we went to a bar afterwards, and I swear Emilie, who�s the tiniest girl, drank about 24 beers and was stone-cold sober afterwards! I thought� this is different, this is something for the character!
Vad tyckte du om manuset till Remember Me?
Robert Pattinson: Jag hade l�st massor av manus under sommaren, efter att jag gjorde Twilight - jag menar hundratals ... och allt bara verkade exakt samma sak. Detta en stod f�rst ut i v�gen dialogen var skrivet: det bara verkade mycket mer naturalistisk �n de flesta things.Tyler som en karakt�r - det verkar som de flesta filmer som har en ung manlig huvudperson som ledande m�ste vara antingen en oskuld, eller m�ste l�ra sig allt under filmen, eller de alltid g�r genom pr�vningar av filmen och i slut�ndan en annan person och de �r helt fine afterwards.But Tyler inleds med en massa bagage och ett mycket utf�rligt och utvecklad karakt�r, och slutar att utvecklas i ett n�got annorlunda s�tt, snarare �n: "�h Jag m�r bra nu!" Du bara aldrig se att i filmer s� mycket, s�rskilt f�r ungdomar delar.
Hur var det att arbeta med Pierce Brosnan som din far?
Robert Pattinson: Jag har aldrig, n�gonsin skulle ha trott det i b�rjan ha varit n�gon som Pierce i Charles. Jag tycker att han har en medf�dd likeability honom, s� fort du tr�ffar honom �r han v�ldigt, v�ldigt karismatisk. Charles, p� sidan, var n�gon som �r v�ldigt dominant och ganska negativ karakt�r, och Pierce bara genom att Pierce kan �ndra hela dynamiken i den, som gjorde en mycket f�r intressant f�rh�llande. Han �r en riktigt trevlig kille.
Du �r mycket s�t med den unga flickan i din syster. Det k�nns som en v�ldigt naturlig relation. Ber�tta om hur ni gjorde det verkar det s�ttet ...
Robert Pattinson: Det �r allt tack vare Ruby Jerins, som spelar henne. Jag har inte n�gra yngre syskon ... jag har tv� �ldre systrar. Jag sorts tror att jag alltid velat ha ett yngre syskon - inte f�r att jag har n�got emot mina systrar [skrattar]. Men hon �r bara en av de b�sta sk�despelerskorna jag n�gonsin arbetat med. Hon �r f�rv�nansv�rt tydliga om hennes karakt�r. N�r jag f�rst tr�ffade henne verkade hon som en mycket, mycket normalt barn, och d� den mer hon talade om sin karakt�rs utveckling, hon kunde prata om det for hours.And hon ocks� kunde improvisera for timmar och var s� comfortable framf�r en kamera och arbeta med vuxna. Det var mycket l�tt att g�ra n�got med henne. Du kan bara titta p� henne och vet vad de ska g�ra direkt.
Vid vilken tidpunkt ins�g du att du kan anv�nda dina krafter f�r gott, och genom din framg�ng hj�lpa till att finansiera filmer som denna? Och vad trycket finns det f�r dig att g�ra andra saker som kan tj�na mer pengar men mindre tillfredsst�llande?
Robert Pattinson: Jag har aldrig gillar n�got, s� det �r ganska l�tt att besluta vad man ska g�ra - till och med filmer jag inte [skratt]! Jag har aldrig k�nt n�gon press att g�ra n�got, i synnerhet. �ven n�r vi sk�t den, jag aldrig t�nkt p� i kassan ... det �r bara n�r det g�llde att fr�mja det att du fr�gade om det stuff.Obviously, det �r inte som en Twilight film, det �r ett manus, och det g�r det t passar in i n�gon genre ... det �r faktiskt inte s� mycket av en m�-bra-film. De g�r inte filmer som den l�ngre. Jag tycker det �r hur jag slags v�lja saker. Det �r de enda kriterier som jag verkligen har: Om det verkar finnas en lucka p� marknaden f�r n�got, d� jag f�rs�ka g�ra det. Jag f�rs�ker g�ra det med allt annat jag g�r efter�t.
Hur har du det med New York-accent?
Robert Pattinson: Jag tror att det bara kom ut ur skriptet. Jag ganska mycket hade samma r�st fr�n f�rsta g�ngen jag l�ste manuset till hela v�gen genom filmen. Ibland n�r du har tur, du bara l�sa ett manus och r�sten kommer ut r�tt. Jag var inte ens medveten om att g�ra en New York-accent - Jag vet inte ens vad kommunen eller n�got! Jag har tillbringat lite tid i New York, och bara f�rs�kt att ta upp hur man talar. Men jag vet inte var min dialekt �r nu: Jag skulle inte s�ga att jag uttryckligen har f�tt ett London accent l�ngre.
Din karakt�r har en kompis, Aiden, som blir allt viktigare f�r honom. Har du en verklig motsvarande - en manlig kompis?
Robert Pattinson: Jag har vuxit upp med samma v�nner sedan jag var 12. Jag har en mycket, mycket t�ta upps�ttning them.buddy?
Din syster i filmen om din karakt�r som en hj�lte f�r att skydda henne - har du en hj�lte?
Robert Pattinson: Jag v�xte upp med m�nniskor som en massa andra m�nniskor betraktas som hj�ltar, men ingen n�gonsin kom till mig f�r r�dgivning eller skydd - s� jag tror att jag har l�mnat ut som en hj�lte! N�r det g�ller mina egna hj�ltar, utanf�r min familj jag vet inte riktigt ... de �r fantastiska m�nniskor, mina f�r�ldrar �r bra f�r�ldrar och de f�rde mig mycket bra. Jag tror det �r om alla de hj�ltar jag har.
Hur viktigt �r reaktionen i dina fans till detta, eftersom att det �r en s�dan annorlunda, mer l�gm�ldt �n projekt Twilight?
Robert Pattinson: jag k�nde mig alltid det �r det viktigaste du kan g�ra, g�r filmer som denna som �r ganska sv�rt, jag skulle har t�nkt - bara allm�nt annonsera och f� ut till m�nniskor. Ha n�gonting som Twilight och klubben ger publicitet omedelbart. S� om folk g�r och ser det ... N�r du har f�tt dem i filmen, d� �r det n�stan oundvikligt att de kommer att f� dras in i det, hopefully.Obviously, hoppas du folk gillar saker, men om du b�rjar g�ra saker f�r att behaga en viss publik d� du kommer i fel riktning - eftersom du aldrig kan behaga m�nniskor genom att besluta f�r dem, beh�ver du inte ens vet de m�nniskor som du f�rs�ker behaga ... speciellt n�r du f�rs�ker behaga stora delar av m�nniskor!
Vad �r det som lockar dig till en djup och grubbel typer som Tyler och Edward?
Robert Pattinson: Jag gjorde l�ttare saker innan Twilight kom ut. Det bara var s�, att Twilight har blivit s� mycket om detta arketypiska, grubblande person. Jag trodde aldrig Tyler var att grubblande, att vara �rlig! Jag har aldrig ens h�rt ordet innan Twilight.I antar att du gillar att spela trasiga, oroliga tecken eftersom det �r mer intressant, speciellt eftersom jag inte �r s�rskilt bruten eller bekymrad sj�lv. Jag g�r n�got nu som fortfarande �r ganska m�rkt, men karakt�ren �r inte s� sprucket ... det �r n�gon som �r otroligt fokuserad och har ett stort f�rtroende f�r sig sj�lv. Ingenting kan rubba hans confidence.After att jag tror att det �r en l�ttare sak ocks�. Det �r egentligen inte att de �r angsty ... gl�dje verkar vara en allm�n k�nsla utan i manus, det �r ganska sv�rt - om du �r n�jd, du �r lycklig.
Kan du prata om utvecklingen av din karakt�r i Remember Me - hade du alltid haft en klar bild av hur du skulle spela honom?
Robert Pattinson: Tja, manus �ndrat s� mycket under sju m�nader, och hade massor av nytt skriver . Jag talade en hel del att Nick [Osbourne,] producent och Allen [Coulter], regiss�r, och f�rfattare. Jag f�rs�kte anpassa saker till det jag var intresserad in.The relation med den pappa f�r�ndrats mycket ... eftersom jag trodde, n�r du �r en ung kille, en av din st�rsta r�dsla �r en irrationell r�dsla f�r att g� i pappas fotsp�r och leva samma liv som honom. �ven om din pappa �r en bra kille, du vill bara h�vda din sj�lvst�ndighet p� allt och som orsakar irrationella raseriutbrott. Det utvecklades till n�got helt annat och specifika fr�n f�rsta reading.But k�nner jag mig alltid ganska anslutna till [filmen]. Jag tyckte det var en bra mall fr�n b�rjan. En annan sak som var intressant var hur den behandlat sorg, Tyler inte hanterar sorg p� det typiska s�ttet. Hantera sorg �r en �del k�nsla och sorg n�r man �r ung kan vara mycket billigt i m�nga s�tt ... och jag trodde att det var ganska intressant hur Tyler inte vill gl�mma sitt f�rflutna.
Tyler �r en ganska arg, kraftfull ung man. Hur kom du psyket dig sj�lv f�r kampen scener, och har du n�gonsin varit i slagsm�l? Robert Pattinson: Jag har inte varit i slagsm�l under en ganska l�ng tid. Jag �r f�r r�dd nu. Jag tror att om jag hamnade i en kamp nu, skulle jag g�: "d�da Just me!" Jag tyckte mycket Tylers karakt�r, den upproriskhet och audaciousness av den, eftersom det �r ungef�r som en fantasi om mig sj�lv. Liksom: "Jag �r den typen av kille som bara slumpm�ssigt r�kar i slagsm�l ... att f� i dem hela tiden." Jag �r inte riktigt.
Hur k�mpade Chris Cooper? Robert Pattinson: Chris Cooper �r otroligt stark ... han �r skr�mmande! �ven kampen jag hade i b�rjan var jag g�r det med den stora stunt kille och jag skulle sl� och en sak intill hans huvud och slog honom med vad jag trodde var min fulla kraft, jag slog honom i ansiktet ungef�r fyra g�nger, och varje g�ng jag t�nkte: "Jag �r ledsen, jag �r ledsen!" Och han sade: "Det �r bra, det egentligen inte ont." Det var sn�llt av en ego-deflater.
Har tillsammans med australiensiska sk�despelerskan Emilie de Ravin utg�ra bakgrunden f�r en gemensam k�nsla f�r humor? Robert Pattinson: P� dagen f�r audition, n�r Emilie fick rollen gick vi till en bar efter�t, och jag sv�r Emilie, som �r den minsta flicka, drack ungef�r 24 �l och var SPIKNYKTER efter�t! Jag t�nkte ... detta �r olika �r det h�r n�got f�r karakt�ren!
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