Monday, March 29, 2010

Idol Magazine interviews Charlie Bewley

Svensk �vers�ttning i slutet

IDOL: So Charlie, how does it feel to be the �Jesus� of the Volturi Guards? (Demetri has been nicknamed as such by Twi-hard fans)
Charlie: Jesus? My God, well when your bestowed with these fantastical powers� it�s wonderful to be an actor in that situation where you know there�s nothing to be afraid of and you exist as your character, there�s a certain nonchalance, a certain arrogance that comes with that, you pretty much do what you want with it, it�s great.
IDOL: Do you think that arrogance has rubbed off on you in real life?
Charlie: No! Do you think so? No, I went through my arrogant phase, I was an arrogant little crap when I was younger. I think that�s behind me now.
With the role of Demetri, there�s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, I�ve always been confident with the person that I am, and it�s done really well for me I like to think. With Demetri, yeah there�s arrogance there because they�re so elitist in the Volturi, there is that arrogance, there is that sense that no one has a chance.
IDOL: We call them the vampire mafia.
Charlie: You call them that? I call them that!
IDOL: We�re on a wavelength
Charlie: Yeah, you read that didn�t you.
IDOL: I read a lot of things, but that came out my own amazing brain.
So, on the lines of Demetri�s character, in the book he comes across as polite and calm but manipulating at the same time, is that something you had to portray in the movie? Was it difficult to get that balance?
Charlie: No it wasn�t difficult to get that balance. You�re right. Demetri and Felix have this great relationship, Felix just wants to fight, Demetri�s quite lazy. I think that�s the way it�s always worked, they were the ones who always used to go out and sort out the other ones. Was that hard to play? No, the danger was very apparent to the vampires, with red eyes, they�re very cool looking. So what you�ve got to do is play it nice and there�s always this undertone of danger to someone who looks like that. I could take those contact lenses out and be a normal person, as soon as you put those contact lenses in, I can�t tell you. I could smile and it would be even scarier
IDOL: We hear that you�ve been working on a new film, Ecstasy, how does your role in that compare with your role in the New Moon?
Charlie: Well as Demetri goes around Italy, killing innocent tourists, I play an alter boy, so it�s a bit different. It was a lot of fun to do. It was a great experience. In terms of the two characters there is zero parallel between them.
IDOL: If you weren�t playing Demetri in New Moon, which character would you most like to play?
Charlie: In the Twilight saga? I�d like to play Jacob. I think he�s got a great character there I really do, just the physicality. I�m team Jacob.
But listen, there�s another team and they�re going to take over! (Charlie is of course referring to Team Demetri.)
IDOL: There was some pretty crazy footage of you in Italy, coming out of a scene of filming and there were girls going absolutely mad- you went and stood against them. I�m surprised they didn�t drag you in! How does that feel?
Charlie: You know what I�ve always said this about fame. Only a fraction of society ever get to experience fame, I don�t even think I�m famous right now- I mean amongst a certain demographic people might know me, but fame is like a worldly thing. In Italy you felt famous because everybody knew you, we were in this small town and there were 5 thousand screaming girls and they were all looking for these 6 cast members. It was a first experience for me, I think you just have to embrace it. There was a time when I was completely engulfed and my clothes were ripped off my body, and I needed 5 security guards to help me get out! But if its under control, just give the fans what they want because without them you�re nothing.
IDOL: What interested you in the role?
Charlie: I think Demetri is like me but on steroids. He�s just a fantastic character to play, he�s smooth. (Laughs) Not that I�m saying I�m smooth!
IDOL: Did you read the books?
Charlie: No I didn�t read the books, I�ll confess I didn�t read the books, I actually got the audio books, and I found them a lot easier to digest and a lot easier to get through. The book isn�t active enough for me, it�s too emotionally involving to keep my attention. I�m not that emotional. That�s why girls love it. I mean it shows every emotion every character goes through line by line and I can�t read that. My attention just goes. I mean I would listen to the audio books and I would pick up the general flavour of whats going on, I found that much easier to digest.
IDOL: So is that how you got into your role, by listening to the audio books?
Charlie: I had to get the role before the audition, I had to understand the character before the audition, I went to people who had read the books, and got all the relevant information off them.
IDOL: We�ve got some quick random questions before we have to wrap it up.
Is Robert really that hot in real life?
Charlie: No, it�s because Edward Cullen is damn hot.
IDOL: Is Taylor that hot?
Charlie:Yeah I think he is, he was pretty ripped beforehand.
IDOL: So you�re team Jacob right? But now you�re team Demetri?
Charlie: Yeah. Vote Demetri
IDOL: Do you think that we�d make good vampires?
Charlie: You two? You�d be excellent vampires.
IDOL: Can you get us in the movie, please?
Charlie: Can I get you in the movie? I don�t think I�m that powerful
IDOL: You�re Demetri! You just hold those producers down!
Charlie: I�m not Demetri and you have separation issues girl!
IDOL: Do you love London?
Charlie: I do love London, I love being in London. I actually once came to London to sell pole dancing poles but I decided to be an actor instead.
IDOL: Is that an exclusive?
Charlie: Yeah that�s an exclusive

Source: Idol Magazine (via Foforks)

IDOL: S� Charlie, hur k�nns det att vara "Jesus" av Volturi vakterna? (Demetri har f�tt smeknamnet som s�dan Twi-hard fans)

Charlie: Jesus? Herregud, bra n�r du sk�nkte med dessa fantastiska befogenheter ... det �r underbart att vara en akt�r i en s�dan situation d�r du vet att det finns inget att vara r�dd f�r och du finns som din karakt�r, det finns en viss nonchalans, en viss arrogans som kommer med det, var vi g�ra vad du vill med det, det �r bra.
IDOL: Tror du att arrogans har gnuggas bort om du i verkliga livet? Charlie: Nej! Tror du det? Nej, jag gick igenom mina arrogant fas, jag var en arrogant liten skit n�r jag var yngre. Jag tror det �r bakom mig nu. Med rollen som Demetri, det finns en fin linje mellan sj�lvf�rtroende och arrogans har jag alltid varit s�ker med den person som jag, och det har gjort riktigt bra f�r mig jag vill tro. Med Demetri, ja det finns arrogans d�r eftersom de �r s� elitistiska i Volturi finns att arrogans, det �r den bem�rkelsen att ingen har en chans.
IDOL: Vi kallar dem vampyr maffian.

Charlie: Du kalla dem det? Jag kallar dem det!
IDOL: Vi �r p� en v�gl�ngd
Charlie: Ja, du l�ste det gjorde du inte.
IDOL: Jag l�ste en massa saker, men som kom ut min egen fantastiska hj�rna. S�, i linje med Demetri s karakt�r, i boken han framst�r som v�nlig och lugn men manipulera p� samma g�ng, �r det n�got du hade att skildra i filmen? Var det sv�rt att f� den balansen?
Charlie: Nej det var inte sv�rt att f� den balansen. Du har r�tt. Demetri och Felix har denna stora relation, vill Felix bara k�mpa, Demetri �r ganska lat. Jag tycker det �r s� det alltid fungerat, de var de som alltid brukade g� ut och reda ut de andra. Var det sv�rt att spela? Nej, faran �r mycket uppenbart f�r vampyrer, med r�da �gon, de �r mycket sval sett. S� vad du m�ste g�ra �r att spela det trevligt och det finns alltid denna underton av fara f�r n�gon som ser ut som det. Jag skulle kunna ta dem kontaktlinser ut och vara en normal person. Jag l�ste en massa saker, men som kom ut min egen fantastiska som ni har genomf�rt dessa kontaktlinser i, kan jag inte ber�tta. Jag kunde le och det skulle vara �nnu l�skigare

IDOL: Vi har h�rt att du har arbetat med en ny film, ecstasy, hur din roll i att j�mf�ra med din roll i New Moon?
Charlie: Ja som Demetri g�r runt i Italien, d�da oskyldiga turister, spelar jag en �ndrar pojke , s� det �r lite annorlunda. Det var mycket roligt att g�ra. Det var en stor upplevelse. N�r det g�ller de tv� tecken f�r noll parallell mellan dem.
IDOL: Om du inte spelar Demetri i New Moon, som karakt�r skulle du helst vilja spela?
Charlie: I Twilight saga? Jag vill spela Jacob. Jag tror att han har en bra karakt�r d�r jag verkligen, bara kroppslighet. Jag �r team Jacob. Men lyssna, det finns ett annat lag och de �r p� v�g att ta �ver! (Charlie �r naturligtvis att h�nvisa till Team Demetri.)
IDOL: Det var ganska galen bilder av dig i Italien, som kommer fr�n en scen att filma och det fanns flickor som g�r helt galna du gick och stod emot dem. Jag �r f�rv�nad att de inte drar dig i! Hur k�nns det?

Charlie: Du vet vad jag alltid har sagt detta om ber�mmelse. Bara en br�kdel av samh�llet n�gonsin f�r uppleva ber�mmelse, jag vet inte ens att jag �r k�nd just nu, jag menar bland en viss demografisk folk kan k�nna mig, men ber�mmelse �r som en v�rldslig sak. I Italien du k�nde dig k�nd eftersom alla visste att du, vi var i denna lilla stad och det fanns 5 tusen skrikande tjejer och de var alla ute efter dessa 6 sk�despelarna. Det var en f�rsta erfarenhet f�r mig, jag tror bara att omfamna den. Det fanns en tid d� jag var helt uppslukade och mina kl�der var lurade min kropp, och jag beh�vde 5 vakter f�r att hj�lpa mig att komma ut! Men om det under kontroll, bara ge fansen vad de vill eftersom det utan dem du �r ingenting.
IDOL: Vad intresserade dig i rollen?
Charlie: Jag tror Demetri �r likt mig men p� steroider. Han �r bara en fantastisk karakt�r att spela, han �r sl�t. (Skrattar) Inte f�r att jag s�ger jag �r smidigt!
IDOL: Har du l�st b�ckerna?
Charlie: Nej jag har inte l�st b�ckerna, ska jag erk�nna att jag inte l�st b�ckerna, faktiskt fick jag ljudb�cker, och jag fann dem mycket l�ttare att sm�lta och mycket l�ttare att komma igenom. Boken �r inte aktiv nog f�r mig, det �r f�r k�nslom�ssigt med att h�lla min uppm�rksamhet. Jag �r inte s� k�nslosam. Det �r d�rf�r tjejer �lskar det. Jag menar det visar varje k�nsla varje tecken g�r igenom rad f�r rad och jag kan inte l�sa det. Min uppm�rksamhet g�r bara. Jag menar jag skulle lyssna p� ljudb�cker och jag skulle plocka upp den allm�nna smaken av vad som h�nder, jag tyckte att mycket l�ttare att sm�lta. IDOL: �r det s� du fick i din roll, genom att lyssna p� talb�cker? Charlie : Jag var tvungen att f� rollen innan audition var jag tvungen att f�rst� karakt�ren innan audition, jag gick till m�nniskor som hade l�st b�ckerna, och fick all relevant information av dem.

IDOL: Vi har n�gra snabba random fr�gor innan vi har att linda upp det. �r Robert verkligen att heta i verkliga livet?
Charlie: Nej, det �r d�rf�r Edward Cullen �r snygg.
IDOL: �r Taylor att heta?
Charlie: Ja jag tycker att han �r, han var ganska slet i f�rv�g.
IDOL: S� du �r team Jacob r�tt? Men nu �r du team Demetri?
Charlie: Ja. Omr�stning Demetri
IDOL: Tror du att vi skulle g�ra bra vampyrer?
Charlie: Du tv�? Du skulle bli utm�rkt vampyrer.
IDOL: Kan du ta oss i filmen, tack?
Charlie: Kan jag f� dig i filmen? Jag tror inte jag �r att starka
IDOL: Du Demetri! Du h�ller bara de tillverkare ner!
Charlie: Jag �r inte Demetri och du har separation fr�gor flicka!
IDOL: �lskar du London?
Charlie: Jag �lskar London, jag �lskar att vara i London. Jag faktiskt en g�ng kom till London f�r att s�lja pole dancing stolpar men jag best�mde mig f�r att vara en akt�r i st�llet.
IDOL: �r det en exklusiv?
Charlie: Ja det �r en exklusiv

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