Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Stephenie Meyer novella on Eclipse�s Bree Tanner coming June 5

Svensk �vers�ttning i slutet

If you�ve ever wanted to know more about newborn vampire Bree in Eclipse, you won�t have to wait long to get your answers.
Stephenie Meyer and Little, Brown Books have announced that they will be releasing The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner June 5.
Stephenie had this to add about the novella on her official website:
Actually, this has been a surprise to me, too. The reason why it�s a surprise was that I never intended to publish this story as a stand-alone book. I began this story a long time ago�before Twilight was even released. Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree�s perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn.

This story was something that I worked on off and on for a while, just for fun, in between the times I was writing or editing other Twilight novels. Later, when the concept for The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide came up, I thought that might be a good place for Bree. Her story is a nice complement to Eclipse; it explains a lot of the things that Bella never knew. So I dusted it off and finished it up for placement in the Guide.
The novella will be available for purchase on June 5, but it will also be available online for free June 7 through July 5. Proceeds from the book will go to the American Red Cross for their relief efforts in Haiti and Chile.
For more information, check out Stephenie Meyer�s official website.

Via Twilight Source

Om du n�gonsin velat veta mer om nyf�dd vampyr Bree i Eclipse, beh�ver du inte v�nta l�nge p� att f� dina svar.

Stephenie Meyer och Little, har Brown B�cker meddelat att de kommer att sl�ppa Short Second Life av Bree Tanner 5 juni.

Stephenie hade f�ljande att till�gga om novell p� hennes officiella hemsida:

Egentligen har detta varit en �verraskning f�r mig ocks�. Anledningen till det �r en �verraskning var att jag aldrig avsett att publicera denna ber�ttelse som en frist�ende bok. Jag b�rjade den h�r historien f�r l�nge sedan-innan Twilight ens var sl�ppt. D� var jag bara redigering Eclipse, och i den tjocka av mina vampyr v�rld. Jag t�nkte en hel del om nyf�dda och inbillar sin sida av historien, och en sak ledde till en annan. Jag b�rjade skriva fr�n Bree perspektiv om dessa sista dagar, och hur det var att vara en nyf�dd.

Denna historia var n�got som jag arbetat med av och p� f�r ett tag, bara p� kul, i mellan de g�nger jag var skriva eller redigera andra Twilight romaner. Senare, n�r konceptet f�r The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide kom upp, t�nkte jag att kan vara en bra plats f�r Bree. Hennes ber�ttelse �r ett trevligt komplement till Eclipse, det f�rklarar en hel del av de saker som Bella inte visste. S� jag dammat av det och slutade upp f�r placering i Guiden.

Novellen kommer att finnas till f�rs�ljning den 5 juni, men det kommer ocks� att finnas tillg�nglig online gratis 7 juni genom 5 juli. Int�kterna fr�n boken g�r till R�da Korset f�r deras hj�lpinsatser i Haiti och Chile.

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