Monday, March 29, 2010

Mtv: Jackson Rathbone "The Last Airbender" Promise Fans Will Be 'Blown Away'

Svensk �vers�ttning i slutet
When "The Last Airbender" arrives in theaters in July, fans of the Nickelodeon animated series will finally get to see how well filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan has adapted their beloved show. For now, they can at least take the word of co-stars Dev Patel and Jackson Rathbone that the writer/director best known for twist-ending thrillers like "The Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable" was well-suited for the job.

MTV News spoke to the young actors at the Kids' Choice Awards and learned about the director's personal and respectful approach to the highly anticipated film.

"He's so intense as a director," said Patel, who excitedly shared his experience of being covered in live fire for his performance as Prince Zuko, the fire bender. "And his kids are massive fans of the show. So it's really close to him, this project."

Having an intimate reason for taking on a project, however, does not necessarily guarantee a great film. What might be a better indication of quality is how much effort and care Night apparently put into it.

"It's all about the preparation," said Rathbone, who plays Sokka. "That's one thing I really learned, is how hard and how long Night takes to prepare his films and to really get into it. He had every single shot plotted out, and it was really nice to work with someone who tells you what's going to come next in his vision."

As a result of Shyamalan's devotion, Patel said we can expect something more from the material than we've seen previously with the animated series. "I think he's going to bring [depth] to the film," he said. "We're going to get a more human look at the cartoon, which will be fun."

"What you can expect from the film is a lot of amazing action and a lot of really personalized drama," Rathbone added. "It's a very realistic story set in a fantasy film. What Night was able to bring to the cinema with this is an action/family film that people are [going to be] blown away by."

Just how much of himself has the filmmaker brought to the film? After appearing in minor roles in all his prior movies, Shyamalan didn't say whether "Airbender" is consistent with the tradition. "You never know," he told us about a cameo. "You gotta come and see."

Patel is hoping enough fans will go and see the movie so he can find out how his character moves forward in a planned "Airbender" trilogy. "He's sort of an Anakin Skywalker-esque character," he said of Zuko. "So he's got a really nice arc in his constant struggle between good and evil."


N�r "The Last Airbender" anl�nder till teatrar i juli, fans av Nickelodeon animerade serien kommer �ntligen att f� se hur v�l filmare M. Night Shyamalan har anpassat sina �lskade show. F�r nu kan de �tminstone ta ordet i co-stj�rnor Dev Patel och Jackson Rathbone att f�rfattaren / regiss�ren mest k�nd f�r twist slut thrillers som "Sj�tte sinnet" och "Unbreakable" var v�l l�mpad f�r jobbet.

MTV News talade med unga sk�despelare p� Kids 'Choice Awards och l�rde sig om regiss�rens personliga och respektfullt f�rh�llningss�tt till den efterl�ngtade filmen.

"Han �r s� intensiv som regiss�r, s�ger Patel, som ivrigt delade sina erfarenheter med att t�ckas med levande eld f�r sin prestation som prins Zuko, elden Bender. "Och hans barn �r stora fans av showen. S� det n�ra honom, det h�r projektet."

Med en intim sk�l f�r att vidta om ett projekt, men garanterar inte n�dv�ndigtvis en bra film. Vad kan vara ett b�ttre m�tt p� kvalitet �r hur mycket arbete och omsorg Night tydligen lagt ned p� det.

"Det handlar om f�rberedelse, s�ger Rathbone, som spelar Sokka. "Det �r en sak jag verkligen l�rt mig, �r hur h�rt och hur l�nge Night tar att f�rbereda sina filmer och att verkligen f� in i den. Han hade varenda skott ritas ut, och det var verkligen kul att jobba med n�gon som talar om f�r dig vad som kommer att komma h�rn�st i hans vision. "

Som ett resultat av Shyamalan h�ngivenhet, s�ger Patel vi kan f�rv�nta oss n�got mer fr�n det material �n vi sett tidigare med den animerade serien. "Jag tror att han kommer att f� [djup] till filmen, s�ger han. "Vi kommer att f� en mer m�nsklig titta p� tecknade, som kommer att bli kul." n�sta i hans vision. "

"Vad du kan f�rv�nta dig av filmen �r en hel del fantastiska insatser och m�nga riktigt personligt drama," Rathbone till. "Det �r en mycket realistisk ber�ttelse utspelar sig i en fantasy-film. Vad Night kunde s�tta p� bio med detta �r en �tg�rd / familj film att folk [kommer att] bl�st bort."

Exakt hur mycket av sig sj�lv har filmaren kommit till filmen? Efter att gjort mindre roller i alla hans tidigare filmer, har Shyamalan inte s�ga om "Airbender" �r f�renligt med den traditionen. "Man vet aldrig, s�ger han ber�ttade om en cameo. "Du m�ste komma och se."

Patel hoppas nog fans kommer att g� och se filmen s� han kan ta reda p� hur hans karakt�r r�r sig fram�t p� ett planerat "Airbender" trilogin. "Han blir liksom en Anakin Skywalker-liknande karakt�r, sade han i Zuko. "S� han har en riktigt fin b�ge i hans st�ndiga kampen mellan gott och ont."

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