Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Twilight: Stephanie Meyer's spin-off novella is a record-breaker!

Svensk �vers�ttning i slutet
Twilight author's new book The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner breaks pre-order records

A TWILIGHT spin-off by New Moon and Eclipse author Stephenie Meyer has broken sales records - and you can't even buy it yet!

Twilight author Stephenie Meyer's brand new novella - entitled The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner - has already shot to the top of Amazon's best-seller list, less than 24 hours after it became available to pre-order.

Written as a thank you gift to fans of the Twilight books and movies starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - which include New Moon and Eclipse - the short book is Stephanie's first new title in nearly two years.

�I�d always considered The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner as something for the fans,� said Stephanie. �They have been so supportive of all things Twilight.�

The new novella is told from the point of view of Bree, a 'newborn' vampire who features in Eclipse.

Stephanie revealed: �I�m as surprised as anyone about this novella.

�When I began working on it in 2005, it was simply an exercise to help me examine the other side of Eclipse, which I was editing at the time.

�I thought it might end up as a short story that I could include on my website.

�Then, when work started on The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide, I thought the Guide would be a good fit for my Bree story.

�However, the story grew longer than I anticipated, until it was too long to fit into the Guide.�

Meyer is also placing her 192-page novella on a dedicated website,, from June 7 to July 5, for fans from around the world to view the story in a �read only� format.

It is also being released on both sides of the Atlantic on June 5 in hardback priced at �11.99.

Meyer, who lives in Arizona with her husband and three sons, wrote on her website: �Since this story had always been an extra for me, and was meant to be released with the Guide, I wanted to be able to offer it to my fans for free.

�You all have bought a ton of my books, and I wanted to give you this story as a gift.�

She added: �We still wanted to also produce a physical book with a cool cover that you can add to your set if you like.�


Twilight f�rfattarens nya bok The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner bryter f�rbest�lla poster

En TWILIGHT spin-off av New Moon och Eclipse f�rfattaren Stephenie Meyer har brutit f�rs�ljningsrekord - och du kan inte ens k�pa det �nnu!

Twilight f�rfattaren Stephenie Meyers helt ny novell - med titeln The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner - har redan skjutit till toppen av Amazons b�sts�ljarlistan, mindre �n 24 timmar efter det blev tillg�nglig f�r pre-order.

Skrivet som ett tack g�va till fans av Twilight b�ckerna och filmerna huvudrollen Robert Pattinson och Kristen Stewart - inklusive New Moon och Eclipse - den korta boken �r Stephanie f�rsta ny avdelning i n�stan tv� �r.

"Jag har alltid skulle anses Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner som n�got f�r fansen, s�ger Stephanie. "De har varit s� positiv till allt Twilight".

Den nya Novella ber�ttas ur synvinkel Bree, en "nyf�dd" vampyr som funktioner i Eclipse.

Stephanie avsl�jade: "Jag �r lika f�rv�nad som n�gon om detta Novella.

"N�r jag b�rjade arbeta p� det i 2005 var det bara en �vning f�r att hj�lpa mig unders�ka den andra sidan av Eclipse, som jag redigerade p� den tiden.

"Jag trodde det skulle sluta som en novell som jag kunde ta med p� min hemsida.

"Sedan, n�r b�rjade arbetet p� The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide, t�nkte jag guiden skulle passa bra f�r min Bree historia.

"V�xte dock ber�ttelsen l�ngre �n jag v�ntat, tills det var f�r l�ng f�r att passa in i guiden."

Meyer �r ocks� av hennes 192-sida novell p� en s�rskild webbplats,, fr�n 7 juni-5 juli, f�r fans fr�n hela v�rlden f�r att se historien i ett "skrivskyddad"-format.

Det �r ocks� sl�pps p� b�da sidor av Atlanten den 5 juni i inbundna kostar � 11,99.

Meyer, som bor i Arizona med sin man och tre s�ner, skrev p� sin hemsida: "Eftersom den h�r historien hade alltid varit en extra f�r mig, och var t�nkt att sl�ppas med Guide, ville jag kunna erbjuda den till min fl�ktar gratis.

"Du har alla k�pt en ton av mina b�cker, och jag ville ge er denna historia som en g�va."

Hon tillade: "Vi ville �nd� ocks� producera en fysisk bok med en cool t�cka som du kan l�gga till din digitalbox om du vill."

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