Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Taylor Lautner interview on french New Moon DVD

Svensk �vers�ttning i slutet

Translated questions:
1/ Is Jacob Bella's sun?
2/ Did you have a lot of time to talk with Stephenie Meyer?
3/ Was there a lot of pressure to play Jacob?
4/ How was the casting?
5/ How did you get prepared for this role?
6/ Did you do research about Quileute tribe?
7/ Is it diffucult to shoot a movie with a wig?
8/ During filming, could you improvise a scene?
9/ Did you do your own stunts?
10/ Are you a fan of your CGI wolf?
11/ How does your wolf have been created?
12/ Did Chris Weitz give you a "guide"
13/ How can you explain this phenomenon?
14/ Do you think the film is true to the book?
15/ If there was a fight between Edward & Jacob...
16/ Are you happy to have your 'pack' with you?
17/ How was the atmosphere during the filming?
18/ What do you think about your co-stars?
19/ Do you understand Bella?
20/ Are you excited to discover Eclipse?

�versatta fr�gor:
1 / �r Jacob, Bellas sol?
2 / Har du haft mycket tid att prata med Stephenie Meyer?
3 / Var det en stor press att spela Jacob?
4 / Hur var gjutningen?
5 / Hur f�rberedde du dig f�r den h�r rollen?
6 / Har du gjort forskning om Quileute stam?
7 / �r det sv�rt att spela in en film med en peruk?
8 / Under filmningen kan du improvisera en scen?
9 / Har du gjort dina egna stunts?
10 / �r du ett fan av din CGI varg?
11 / Hur har din varg skapats?
12 / Har Chris Weitz gett dig en "guide"
13 / Hur kan du f�rklara detta fenomen?
14 / Tycker du att filmen st�mmer med boken?
15 / Om det fanns en kamp mellan Edward och Jacob ...
16 / �r du glad �ver att ha din "pack" med dig?
17 / Hur var st�mningen under inspelningen?
18 / Vad tycker du om dina motspelare?
19 / F�rst�r du Bella?
20 / �r du exhalterad att uppt�cka Eclipse?

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