Thursday, March 4, 2010

Robert Pattinson Vs. Leonardo DiCaprio? Ruby Jerins Picks Sides

Some girls get to have all the fun: adorable moppet Ruby Jerins is only 11-years-old, but she's already spent serious professional time on set with grownup Hollywood hotties Leonardo DiCaprio (meow) and Robert Pattinson (swoon). The pint-sized actress can be seen in double on the big screen right now � she's playing Leo's haunting daughter in "Shutter Island" and Robert's little sis in the much-anticipated "Remember Me" (and in the process, causing an epidemic of covetous envy in the seething hearts of women twice her age.)

MTV News caught up with Ruby at the premiere of "Remember Me" to find out how she handled the pressure of logging screen time with two such ravishing hunks of man-meat. But if you were hoping for squealing glee, too bad: she's every inch the professional! Refusing to pick sides, Ruby told us how honored she was to work with both A-list actors before politely changing the subject to more age-appropriate fare: her wonderful and supportive friends.

Mtv via RPLife

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Vissa tjejer f�r ha allt det roliga: bed�rande moppet Ruby Jerins �r bara 11 �r gammal, men hon har redan tillbringat mycket tid p� inspelningsplatser med vuxna Hollywood hotties som Leonardo DiCaprio (mjau) och Robert Pattinson (svimma). Den lilla sk�despelerskan syns dubbelt p� den stora sk�rmen just nu - hon spelar Leo's dotter i "Shutter Island" och Robert lilla syster i den mycket efterl�ngtade "Remember Me" (och i processen, vilket orsakar en epidemi av sniken avund i de sjudande hj�rtana hos kvinnor dubbelt hennes �lder.)

MTV News pratade med Ruby vid premi�ren av "Remember Me" f�r att ta reda p� hur hon hanterade trycket fr�n att avverka sk�rm tid med tv� s�dana f�rtjusande hunks av m�n. Men om du hade hoppats p� skrikande gl�dje, synd: hon �r professionell hela v�gen! V�grar att v�lja sidor, Ruby ber�ttade f�r oss hur hedrad hon var att arbeta med b�de A-lista akt�rer innan artigt �ndrade samtals�mne f�r mer �ldersanpassad �mnen: hennes underbara och st�djande v�nner.

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